12-19-12 DEW attack my self Wife and 5yr.old daughter in truck.
by Daniel J Morgan on Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 9:01pm ·

First day all month I felt good enough to Take my wife to get Blood-work (go out for a bit) for an oncologist appointment coming up. This is what happens every time I go to a new place. At 2:20 we arrive, at the Lab There is a problem with our medical insurance (Always). we wait, after 20 min. I start to feel agitated, restless and Pain pulsating in my jaw and Back I take my daughter out of the building for a walk. Here I see my 1st blackhalk of the day (coincidence). I instantly turn around and walk back in. 1o min later I go back out. Around 2:50 The 3 lines in the photo is the hu-60 (helicopter) flight path, It flew by 3 times here. Each time I felt worse or a change in myself. I would go out side Each time it was there. (coincidence).

We end up leaving around 3:15 I feel to ill to go on I'm heading home. I'm taking back roads because I know whats going to happen next. My wife is now starting to feel Ill and out of it, we get 10 min away heading home and instantly my pulsating back pain becomes a stabbing pain and my jaw starts hurting extremely bad. I'm now getting confused, and out of it. My wife tells me my face is turning red and blotchy, she sees a Rash is instantly covering me my forehead and eyes the worst. another Hu-60 Blackhalk shows up flying sideways 1400 feet above the ground VERY LOW right in front of us. It starts to circle us I try to avoid it by turning down a side street. (coincidence)

As it Circles and looking at the tracking on line the 2nd helicopter was 4000 Ft. on the other side of us. My wife wants to drive now because Im so out of it. at this time I just want to get home. A 3rd comes into the picture they usually fly 3000 ft. but drop low when they are attacking me then raise back up. 1 flys in a huge circle pattern while another 1 comes up behind us they get about the same distance from me and hits me again. (coincidence)

The house you see in the pictures are not my home but location im at the time of the attack. I left my home around 2:00 and was home about 4:00. I had the 1st helo circled me in a very large pattern. trying to target me, locate me. It was not to close about 1/8 mile they do not need to be close to pick up your signal. The 2nd hit me with the DEW weapon and really knocked me out of it. my wife and 5yr old daughter with me the whole time helpless. (we just wanted to get a few things done). and they had a back up helo just in case. usually there's only 1 but today they were dialing me in. This type of targting has happened to me over a hundred times in the last 20 years. Im putting up many pics of different times and placements of the attack (harassment) this all happens within 45min. We had 2 different helos over us 7 times where ever we went in 45 min.. this is the 1st time I wrote a note on Facebook so excuse all my mistakes, I'm just trying to give you the jist of my day. It this a coincidence, maybe but this happens to me a a regular basis. weeks, days years. then all stops like a switch. it all goes hand in hand with Gang stalking. The end result is the same. I get it all... you can watch it all take place in live stream @webtrak Sacramento County 12-19-12 at 2:45 start it, it runs for 30 min at a time. You just wont see where I am.

Ther done now and going back to the base

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Dee Hardin hmmm no camera in the car with you to record the event?? oh man daniel sorry for you and your family
22 hours ago · Like
Daniel J Morgan Dee this happens 3-4 times a week if I leave my house. it goes on for weeks to months then stops all at once. If I stay home ill see 4-6 helicopters a day then it just stops. I have hundreds of Pics and Videos but the radar has date time height wind direction and type of aircraft and ID number ..like I said its been a bad few months...                    All my pictures are on my facebook page....sorry I was not sure how to cut and paste  them on this blog.

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