Dear Soleilmavis, I remind you of yours words: “Please keep faith and keep working! Together, we will make a difference!”
As for your letter to the President of the United States I must say that it is also my idea. If we write to certain people, famous people, the excuse that they were uninformed will no longer exist! I am glad you wrote to President Biden, I am looking forward to the return of democracy in the United States. I hope the hopes will not be betrayed in the future.
Continuing your idea, I am enclosing a letter I recently sent to Mark Zuckerberg that may sound naïve and maybe not at all!
Dear Mr. Zuckerberg
I’m Gordana Filipovic from Belgrade. The reason I am writing to you is related to the fact that you are the creator of Facebook. Two days ago I watched the movie Social Networks and I don’t stop thinking about it!
I will list you the direct reasons that inspired me or this act:
- Facebook is very popular in Serbia, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have it and doesn’t use it, except me! As a “Review of International Affairs” journalist in the 1990s, I was among the first to use the Internet for research. I still do that now as a pensioner, but I have never used Facebook under my name (very briefly under another name) because the deep Serbian state and the police, among other forms of my persecution, falsified porn movies with me to disavow me! In Serbia, Facebook is used not only to maintain mutual contacts but also to expose, mostly superficial and insignificant content. Facebook is also very valuable for Serbs for placing ideas, ingenious settings, comments from talented and witty people, as well as research.
- Watching the movie about you, I compared the life of the carefree and relaxed American youth of the 1990s to which you belong with young Belgraders, students and even children, many citizens and myself, who resisted the nationalist and war – mongering policies of the in this time notorious regime in the world.
- There is one sentence in the film that relates to the use of Facebook in Bosnia in 2004. I thought that my older son, who was in our apartment with me across the street from the US Embassy during the NATO bombing, could have used Facebook if you had discovered it earlier and not just chatted on the Internet with his (and your) peers from all over the former Yugoslavia. They showed solidarity with him. I was especially impressed by the support of innocent young people from Sarajevo (over whom Serbs applied urbicide) who supported my son and informed him about the planes that were flying over those territories.
- When the film mentioned the significant April 2004 for you, I was thinking of my days in Nicosia where I was with my younger son who attended the International American School. My older son was then on regular military service, already married. It was during those glorious days of yours that I wrote to the UN complaining about the severe persecutions that I did not know at the time called gang stalking and that I was the target individual. Very clear “voices in my head” threatened to kill my children if I sought asylum at the US Embassy. That is exactly what I stated in the UN letter. I must admit that I did not intend to do so at all at the time. So, I have been a target individual since 1986.
- I just couldn’t believe the possibility that my older son was a victim of gang stalking even when there seemed to be some signs. He is no longer among us. He committed “orchestrated” suicide as an opponent of the current dictatorial regime a year ago. Now, I am sure he was a guinea pig as a seven-year-old boy and all the way to the end of his life. Now I am afraid that our whole family was targeted because we were already illegally exposed to the public. We were persecuted by the deep communist state. His death was announced to me! “Voices in my head” from the very top of the government threatened to shoot him in the head if he did not stop exposing himself and me in the legs if I appeared at the demonstrations. That was in April 2017. When I warned him that they were killing, his answer was old- fashioned in today’s world: “Let them kill! Life should be given for freedom.” I have been driven to suicide by high military technology on several occasions, and I know how difficult it was to oppose that. I am now absolutely sure that the dictatorial regime was especially annoyed by the content of his Facebook page. In Serbia Fecebook, other social networks and telephone messages are politically controlled by police and the army, and as I inform you, they are killing because of them! If you are ever interested and want to translate and study the content you can see! - Dusan Filipovic (with the logo of the Partizan, the father of the girl Zoe). If the content seems inappropriate to you, know that this is answer to criminals and persecutors of the dictatorial regime! This is how in the heart of Europe the use of your discovery can end for the free-minded people! Of course, I don’t blame you for that!
- At the time of my abuse, which is still going on and while my son was alive, I often spoke loudly, knowing that they heard me that my children could never take part in the persecution of people by Mengele methods (but now they are realizing Josef Mengele’s unfulfilled dream torture the body and follow mind with the most disgusting words) and especially for political reasons, in order to stifle freedom of speech and opinion! I repeated, perhaps pathetically, but it really is true, that my children would not do that even for the total money of the sixty richest people in the world among whom I know you are! It be foolish to ask you if you could do that, but I know answer – would not. Gang stalking is the scariest thing that can happen to a person. Especially in the performance of psychopaths and primitive criminals who Pilate wash the bloody hands of the dictatorial authorities!
- This would be all about you, your Facebook and the money you made on your useful invention. As far as I am concerned, every day I find personalities who, by their function in society and the international community, should react to this greatest evil that man has devised against himself! I do not stop fighting for truth and justice for my unusual, brave, smart, beautiful and completely slowly and for a long time destroyed child!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I wish you all the best!
Gordana Filipovic