Gordana Filipovic's Posts (36)

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“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them without doing anything” Albert Einstein

Good day,

I feel a great need to send you my sincere greetings and support to realize your ideals from a country so far away from you. 

I feel an even greater need to send you a part from the Facebook page of my beautiful, unusual, smart, brave, honest son who is no longer with us.

He showed his commitment long before the tragic event related to the death of George Floyd by setting up this post. He did not face Floyd’s suffering, but he visionary placed himself among those who always chose the right side and the side in favor of justice and humanity!

The post was posted in admiration and I will translate the content for you:

“Eh, what a weird organ called your balls.  NFL in spite of Trump – black players kneel while whites stand. The “war” between athletes and US President Donald Trump continues, and a new blow was dealt by the players of American football."
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It is with great pleasure that I have joined those who support the #EqualEverrywhere pledge. I am really happy taking a stand so that girls and women can be equal everywhere. I am honored to be a part of this global movement.
I am already part of a global movement whose members are both  men and women from almost every country in the world. These are international organizations to combat gang stalking or psychotronic terrorism.
I think that women by their nature are always affected by this most horrible form of human rights violations, even if they are not victims (otherwise  a higher percentage of women are targeted individuals). When the victims are their sons, husbands, brothers, fathers, lovers, friends, grandfathers... - they also suffer badly then. In this kind of new enslavement of people by high military technology  women are usually systematically raped and turned into sex slaves.
On the pages of sites dedicated to this serious form of human enslavement, one can read that digital kidnapping trafficking brings - billions! This can be especially intensified at this time of the Corona pandemic and the demand for social distance. Is the greatest evil that men has devises against himself when used as torture and control of mind and behavior. One definition of these crimes is: gang stalking is organized murder.
I expect that will best present me and my painful experiences. I think that what I am informing you about is  directly related to your interests. 
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An open letter to Angela Merkel

Dear Mrs. Merkel,

I can’t imagine what it feels like to be the most powerful woman in the world according to the Forbes list and according to other assessors of power.

I can tell you that I feel very powerful as I write this letter to you.

I am the target individual and I think my life is in danger at the moment, but I do not give up on delivering this letter to you, posting it on the pages of Peacepink, of which I am a member, and delivering it to several German media together with an open letter to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, sent to Sputnik and published on the pages of that portal, which is fighting to stop this horrible persecution of people.

In Serbia, you have a great reputation and the President of the State especially praises your friendship.

Personally, I have always liked you with your decent style and peace and self-confidence. I am one of those who does not criticize your attitude towards emigrants. I was in Corfu when your campaign was broadcast on the programs there in the late summer of 2018 and I was impressed.

I was a fan of yours because of your words last year in Auschwitz. I read the article in DW.

At Auschwitz, Angela Merkel expresses shame over barbaric crimes

"To stand here and speak to you today as Germany's chancellor is anything but easy for me. I feel a deep sense of shame," she said. Confronted with such "barbaric crimes" can leave a person without words, Merkel said. "But speechlessness cannot be our only answer. We must remember these crimes."

I want to tell you that neither you, as the representative of the people who created Auschwitz, nor President Putin, also one of the most powerful people in the world, the representative of the people who liberated Auschwitz, have successfully passed the history test, turning a blind eye to digital concentration camps around the world in its form and power more terrible.

I wouldn’t want you to misunderstand me. Bertolt Brecht was my consolation during the 1990s when I thought my country was on the sidelines. For me, the consolation in these days of internal emigration are all the films that talk about that dark period and the history of Germany, but also about the existence of those who were against it. I’m looking again and I remember: Shchindler’s list, Labyrinth of Lies, Prague Duet, A Hidden Life, The Tobacconist, The Boy in the Stripped Pijamas, The Reader, The Pianist, Life is Beautiful, Sunshine, Downfall...

Above all, I appreciate German courageous confrontation with the past!

And finally a very personal reason why I am addressing you. Those who have criminal responsibility in the chain of responsibility, very similar to the one Hannah Arendt wrote about and in the fact that my brave son is no longer with us, told me these words:”Don’t worry, this is a project funded by Angela Merkel and some Rothschild”! To be honest, those words didn’t fool me! I know that you are not the mastermind of our persecution. But I know that you know many things about my country that some interests do not allow you to react to properly. They were a mockery to me who believes in European, American and democratic values. I am not naïve, I know the difference! When something is revealed and proven – it’s over in yours countries! Institutions do their thing. I do not live in such a country!

As for the terrible torture of people and for the idea of enslaving man, I am an optimist! In history, good has always won over evil!

Thank you

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I have to leave written on the pages of our Peacepink with absolute responsibility that I am  sure that what  happened and is happening to my family and me, and above all to my fallen son is - the greatest human rights violation in the world. When I say that, I mean about: the idea, the concept, the duration, the interactivity, the proven falsifications, the reasons for doing so, Goebbels’ propaganda, the war environment, transparency, mass complicity, the audience, the users of torture, the bestial abuse to be continued of high military technology, the darkest scenarios in one visible concentration camp and preserved, and the most importantly that fact of evidence that would  be obvious to any target individual, investigator and prosecutor . All this with the existence of thousands of witnesses! This is the biggest human rights violation so far, but it doesn’t have to mean it’s the last similar if a horrible society of dystopia develops! In the last ten days, I have sent about seventy letters to the addresses of those who should respond. I expect that our criminals are tried before the International Court of Justice, and I hope it could start changing  the lives of all of us targeted individuals.

I sincerely hope that the comment will not be yours and mine for a while: this is an example of how easy  it is to go from dystopia to utopia!

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I know we should trust each other! I know that we believe unconditionally when we read about that we survive and that we know, that we have already experienced or are experiencing.

The   reason for my letter are the words of empathy of our Soleilmavis addressed to Tiffany.  “I am sorry to hear your suffering. Until today, victims still could not get evidence to prove that they were being tortured and harassed by remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. However, the UN and USA government had admitted the exist….”

I note with great regret that you do not believe my following words:

We, my family and I are exposed to the public, turned into predecessors of reality shows, turned into a TV station, 34 and a half years ago! All this was done against our will, without our consent in own country from our own people. I recorded it with fear, so to speak, from the first day! Distinct persecution began with years of war in the disintegration of the state – the former Yugoslavia. My anti-war commitment has made us all targets, targeted individuals, victims of Goebbels propaganda!

Fake porn movies have been made about me, using only my face, and this was proven by the American Embassy in 2002. Porn movies were done by the security services, the army, the police and the nationalist - populist government Serbian during 1991 - 2000! My entire family has been persecuted with various scenarios… My son was driven to suicide a year and a half ago in their persecution by opposing them! I have met almost all kinds of persecutions that Tiffany is talking about!

After the democratic changes in October 2000, our persecution continued by the unlustrated security services! During my stay in Nicosia 2003 - 2004 with a younger child who was attending the fourth year of American High School, my persecution was terrible!

After the arrival of the old structures 2012, the same people who ruled 1991 – 2000, our persecution  and especially the persecution of my older son was terrible! The last four years have been creepy! He left with the words – “life is worth giving for freedom, all our ancestors fought against Nazism”! My persecution with voices and the most primitive swearing, dream programming, sexual harassment continues despite the fact that I am suffering severely due to the death of my son. I am 69 years old and have had bilateral breast cancer surgery! My torture takes place in my bedroom where there is a shelf with numerous pictures of my beautiful son including pictures when he was a child and became a guinea pig for some Mengele  Serbian! I successfully defend myself against their attempts at my humiliation by waking up and not allowing them to deceive me in my sleep. That is left of the land which created a long time ago – heroes and saints.  

And now about the evidence and witnesses! These are thousands of Serb witnesses from security structures, including  many thousands of citizens from Serbia who, with Goebbels propaganda, played the role of accomplices in the school example of Nazi persecution for decades! In addition to Serb witnesses, there are thousands and thousands of non – Serb witnesses, all of whom were employed in the security structures of the former Yugoslavia at the federal level, as well a large number of members of the people who made up the former SFRY. Witnesses are also the diplomatic staff of all embassies in Belgrade in the period from 1991 until today! These are all foreign embassies in Nicosia during the period 2003-2004. Cypriots are members of a truly religious people and residents of Nicosia who watched my torture live will not hesitate (I believe) to testify before the UN International Court of Justice in The Hague!

Dear Soleilmavis, we cannot say that “victims could still not get evidence to prove that they were being tortured and harassed by remote electromagnetic mind control technologies.” Each of the target individuals can demand from their governments that the embassies in Belgrade that are witnesses find a way to speak out! UN Secretary Antonio Guterres has reason to say – we finally have a case for The Hague! Do you think that targeted individuals for political reasons in dictatorial regimes should not be recognized in our persecuted community.

I have a feeling that the target individuals scattered around the world do not believe me. You can’t believe that it can happen In a European country belonging to Christian civilization, my persecuted family and I lived in a visible (not invisible) digital concentration camp! Sometimes I say, knowing that the very obedient inhabitants of this space occupied by the internal occupation are watching and listening to me, the following: “We were slaves and free and you are free and slaves”! I believe their answer is – “We are slaves but we are alive”! These are the descendants of those who carried slogans on the streets of Serbian cities and Belgrade (among them my children’s grandmothers) on the eve of Hitler’s occupation: “Better a grave than a slave!”

If, after this letter of mine, (which I will send to Mr. Nils Melzer, the Hague International Court, to Mr. Antonio Guteres and the US Government - because of Tiffany), there is no prosecution of my persecutors in the UN Hague International Court of Justice, I want to tell you that we should no longer have any hope that anything can be achieved. It is an absolute sign that humanity is in the final stage of enslavement. That means - it’s late. We are witnessing the realization of the pure Nazi idea of enslaving people on a global level with high technology! It is passionate what kind of world a modern man is ready to leave his children, without resistance!

I hope you will understand everything I have written as my sincere, true and well- Intentioned contribution to ending our suffering and the suffering of those who come after us! My goal is for all who are no longer among us to rest in peace by discovering and prosecuting their persecutors!

Gordana Filipovic

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Dear Mr Guterres,

In Serbia, some publicity was given to your words on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz Birkenau camp! Today, on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, flowers were laid at the monument to the victims of the genocide at the Old Fair in Belgrade. The president of the state wrote on his Twitter – Serbia remembers!  And I think – what? Let that remain a question for historians!

You Mr. Gutteres, for us, the targeted individuals, represent the hope, albeit still weak, that the whole world will learn about our sufferings in digital concentration camps! For me, these words of yours are much more than just spoken words, for me they represent both a decision and a promise!

“I was honoured to join Holocaust survivors to mark the 76th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. Holocaust denial, distortion & minimization are resurgent. We can never let down our guard. We must continue to stand against lies, bigotry & hatred.”

”We will never, ever give up making this world better for everyone, everywhere.”

“The opportunity to end the spiral of destruction is in our hands.”

“Our best tribute to those who died in the Holocaust is the creation of a world of equality, justice and dignity for all”

We (the members of Peacepink and the members of other organizations fighting this form of the twenty-first century’s greatest violations of human rights, the proliferation of mind control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture), know that with the report of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, Nils Melzer, our letters (mine from February 2004 and several letters in the last years) were pulled out from the carpet of United Nations and set on your table.

Many of us will not be satisfied the judicial epilogues and condemnations of our persecutors. My son was the direct grandson of grandfather (my father) who was a partisan during the long years   in World War II and he was the direct grandson (according to his father) of a royal officer who spent all the years of World War II in the American liberated Nazi concentration camp in Germany (Concentration camp Osnabruck in Lower Saxony) will never find out about my struggle to prove the hell he went through, turned into a guinea pig in his own country, among his own people as a child. Unfortunately, I have somehow become completely sure of it now that he is gone!

I would not want my suffering friends to misunderstand me, but if you were engaged in activating the United Nations Court of International Law for targeted individuals, you could say for us – we have a case! Primarily because of the very large number of foreign witnesses and Serbs in Serbia and abroad! We, my family and me, have been illegally exposed for 34 years, persecuted by manipulated citizens (initially mostly because of me), falsified, ugly, subjected to mind and behavior control, exposed to Goebbels propaganda... The essence of our persecution was to disrupt and disavow those who do not follow their nationalist and populist policies, who do not agree with them and who can be an example of civic courage! We were slaves but free and around us so many free people turned into slaves! My older son has surpassed me in recent years in showing courage! His words are: Life is worth giving for freedom!

Finally, this is the basic idea why I am writing to you on this Holocaust day. I will explain this to you in the words I have written in my letter to Mr. Piotr Setkiewicz from Auschwitz Museum “We were all convinced that the Holocaust and genocide would never happen again in history.  I do not want to sadden you for facing the fact that your struggle (and many like you, victims and descendants of victims) with the goal not to be forgotten, not to be repeated - failed. I know you know about the existence of digital concentration camps around the world that are school examples of virtual Auschwitz.”

And here is my basic thought and wish: I personally, and all of us (I deeply believe in that), would be immensely grateful to all the victims of the Holocaust and their heirs, if they would show solidarity with our sufferings, the suffering of us from digital concentration camps as we most sincerely respect their innocent suffering!

Thank you and Best Regards!

Yours Sincerely,

Gordana Filipovic







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Letter to Mr. Mark Zuckerberg


Dear Soleilmavis, I remind you of yours words: “Please keep faith and keep working! Together, we will make a difference!”

As for your letter to the President of the United States I must say that it is also my idea. If we write to certain people, famous people, the excuse that they were uninformed will no longer exist! I am glad you wrote to President Biden, I am looking forward to the return of democracy in the United States. I hope the hopes will not be betrayed in the future.

Continuing your idea, I am enclosing a letter I recently sent to Mark Zuckerberg that may sound naïve and maybe not at all!

Dear Mr. Zuckerberg

           I’m Gordana Filipovic from Belgrade. The reason I am writing to you is related to the fact that you are the creator of Facebook. Two days ago I watched the movie Social Networks and I don’t stop thinking about it!

I will list you the direct reasons that inspired me or this act:

-          Facebook is very popular in Serbia, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have it and doesn’t use it, except me! As a “Review of International Affairs” journalist in the 1990s, I was among the first to use the Internet for research. I still do that now as a pensioner, but I have never used Facebook under my name (very briefly under another name) because the deep Serbian state and the police, among other forms of my persecution, falsified porn movies with me to disavow me! In Serbia, Facebook is used not only to maintain mutual contacts but also to expose, mostly superficial and insignificant content. Facebook is also very valuable for Serbs for placing ideas, ingenious settings, comments from talented and witty people, as well as research.

-          Watching the movie about you, I compared the life of the carefree and relaxed American youth of the 1990s to which you belong with young Belgraders, students and even children, many citizens and  myself, who resisted the nationalist and war – mongering policies of the in this time notorious regime in the world.

-          There is one sentence in the film that relates to the use of Facebook in Bosnia in 2004. I thought that my older son, who was in our apartment with me across the street from the US Embassy during the NATO bombing, could have used Facebook if you had discovered it earlier and not just chatted on the Internet  with his (and your) peers from all over the former Yugoslavia. They showed solidarity with him. I was especially impressed by the support of innocent young people from Sarajevo (over whom Serbs applied urbicide) who supported my son and informed him about the planes that were flying over those territories.

-          When the film mentioned the significant April 2004 for you, I was thinking of my days in Nicosia where I was with my younger son who attended the International American School. My older son was then on regular military service, already married. It was during those glorious days of yours that I wrote to the UN complaining about the severe persecutions that I did not know at the time called gang stalking and that I was the target individual. Very clear “voices in my head” threatened to kill my children if I sought asylum at the US Embassy.  That is exactly what I stated in the UN letter. I must admit that I did not intend to do so at all at the time. So, I have been a target individual since 1986.

-          I just couldn’t believe the possibility that my older son was a victim of gang stalking even when there seemed to be some signs. He is no longer among us. He committed “orchestrated” suicide as an opponent of the current dictatorial regime a year ago. Now, I am sure he was a guinea pig as a seven-year-old boy and all the way to the end of his life. Now I am afraid that our whole family was targeted because we were already illegally exposed to the public. We were persecuted by the deep communist state. His death was announced to me! “Voices in my head” from the very top of the government threatened to shoot him in the head if he did not stop exposing himself and me in the legs if I appeared at the demonstrations. That was in April 2017. When I warned him that they were killing, his answer was old- fashioned in today’s world: “Let them kill! Life should be given for freedom.” I have been driven to suicide by high military technology on several occasions, and I know how difficult it was to oppose that. I am now absolutely sure that the dictatorial regime was especially annoyed by the content of his Facebook page.   In Serbia Fecebook, other social networks and telephone messages are politically controlled by police and the army, and as I inform you, they are killing because of them! If you are ever interested and want to translate and study the content you can see! - Dusan Filipovic (with the logo of the Partizan, the father of the girl Zoe). If the content seems inappropriate to you, know that this is answer to criminals and persecutors of the dictatorial regime! This is how in the heart of Europe the use of your discovery can end for the free-minded people! Of course, I don’t blame you for that!

-          At the time of my abuse, which is still going on and while my son was alive, I often spoke loudly, knowing that they heard me that my children could never take part in the persecution of people by Mengele methods (but now they are realizing Josef Mengele’s unfulfilled dream torture the body and follow mind with the most disgusting words) and especially for political reasons, in order to stifle freedom of speech and opinion! I repeated, perhaps pathetically, but it really is true, that my children would not do that even for the total money of the sixty richest people in the world among whom I know you are! It be foolish to ask you if you could do that, but I know answer – would not. Gang stalking is the scariest thing that can happen to a person. Especially in the performance of psychopaths and primitive criminals who Pilate wash the bloody hands of the dictatorial authorities!

-          This would be all about you, your Facebook and the money you made on your useful invention. As far as I am concerned, every day I find personalities who, by their function in society and the international community, should react to this greatest evil that man has devised against himself! I do not stop fighting for truth and justice for my unusual, brave, smart, beautiful and completely slowly and for a long time destroyed child!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I wish you all the best!

Gordana  Filipovic


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Letter to James Pollard

Good Day,
The reason I did not respond to your address to me on December 27, 2018  is - at that time I doubted almost everyone. Unfortunately , I still have that suspicion. I cannot understand the evil in  man and especially not the public manifestation of that evil! From then until today, terrible things have happened in my life. As you can see, my profile is no longer short. Did you have anything of such vital importance to suggest to me? You don't have to answer me! I just wanted to explain to you why I didn't  answer you and apologize for ignoring!
All best!
Gordana Filipovic
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This is for you, son

              I do not give up fighting to expose everything I know. At the moment, while I am accusing the highest authorities of Serbia of torturing and killing my son, I am personally constantly tortured (mostly and most often) by programmed dreams. I wake up listening through the “voices in my head” the most primitive Serbian swear words.

               My son was not aware that this form of torture was being destroyed (among other things), but he told me about his dreams: “I have strange dreams. Unusually alive! Nightmares! I wake up, then fall asleep again, continuing where I left off. Sometimes I wonder if I dreamed it or it was. The intensity and strangeness of those dreams are frightening”. For these 34 years of getting to know the Serbian obscenity, I think (I doubt) that many of us Serbs, opponents of the Serbian dictator, for the most part, were sold as guinea pigs (to much more powerful than cowardly Serbia) for Mengele’s experiments in a project called – “programmed dreams”. I see no other reason for this persistent form of torture. Or, perhaps,

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Answer to Stephen

Thank you for your interest! I know that as a European and a soldier, you are familiar with some of the circumstances in my country. My answer to your question is: Serbian Government on their own, pro - Russian oriented! I am enclosing the letter that I failed to send to the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, which will explain everything to you!

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Answer to Stephen

Dear President Putin, I am Gordana Filipovic, the target individual for 34 years from Belgrade for political reasons. I want to tell you that suppose that there is a possibility I would not be an admirer and supporter of you if I were born and lived in Russia, but that is not the reason I am sending you this letter. The reason I am addressing you is - The International Conference of Victims of Psychotronic Terrorism held in Moscow in December 2018 and its conclusions. I am not naïve to think that something like this could be realized in a country like Russia without your approval and consent. As a target individual, I am grateful to you for that. In Serbia, psychotronic terrorism is a taboo topic, although there are evidences that torture (sleep deprivation) with high military technology used still in the concentration camp Goli Otok during the Informbiro period. What an irony! Ideologically, the same ones who persecuted those who favor Russia, now persecute those who do not glorify Russia because of its exceptional military armament. That Russia knows what Serbs like about them is enough for me that Mr Lavrov did not read poetry to us but to some Croatian officials. And for me, the greatness of Russia is reflected in the love of the Russians for Pushkin, whose bust in the Pushkin Museum the guides caress with gentle words! And when we are with the red-black coalition and your struggle to not falsify history, it is well-known fact that the Serbia Chetniks chose collaboration with the “swastika” sign rather than the five-pointed star in World War II. The statement of the speaker at that conference that an international consensus is needed to ban the use of high military technology as torture against people is exactly what has been the goal of my actions since my older son is no longer among us, as a victim of dictatorial and criminal Serbian regime. I have known personally many forms of torture with high military technology. The highest authorities in my country, by “voices in my head” overestimated me that they would shoot me in the legs if I showed up at the demonstrations and my son in the head if he did not stop exposing himself against the president and his regime. He committed suicide by jumping from the fifth floor of the apartment in which he lived. My beautiful, brave, unusual, honest son could not stand it more. Between a life without freedom and freedom without life, he chose the latter! In my persecution I knew the power of suggestions for committing a directed suicide! It is very difficult to oppose that! Looking back on our lives, I am absolutely certain that my older child at the age of seven became a guinea pig in examining the possibilities of high military technology in the former Yugoslavia from 1986. This fact may provoke disbelief that something like this is happening in a socialist country! Confidence is obvious in fact that in Serbia there was a real and not just digital number of baby kidnappings organized by the same state, and some parents ask deputies in the National Assembly if children were sold for experiments! Our persecutors and murderers of my son are the highest officials of the Serbia government, military and police leaders who were initially exposed, but still in fear that there is a possibility that they will be prosecuted for crimes one day, they start hiding behind criminal circles and psychopaths and use them to wash bloody hands. All this is happening with the classic Goebbels propaganda, which succeeds remarkably well in a morally devastated environment. Why should you be particularly interested in this at all and why should you know that? Because my son responded to my warnings that he was in danger with words a little popular in today’s modern world and still sacred to the Russian people: “Well, let them kill! For freedom, life should be given, as mine fought against Nazism”. My son was the direct grandson of grandfather (my father) who was a partisan during the long years in World War II and he was the direct grandson (according to his father) of a royal officer who spent all the years of World War II in the American liberated Nazi concentration camp in Germany (no Auschwitz}. Call of American for asylum in the United States with a warning about the red Russian five-pointed star was in the former Yugoslavia - he refused. Although he was a royal officer, it did not bother him to return to his country. I want you to try to imagine for yourself what my thoughts might have been about you when you invited people from our country to the celebration of the 75 anniversary of the victory over Nazism, whom I consider directly responsible for why I do not have my child! I know that you said “22 million Russian victims of Nazism gave their lives for life and not for death” and it is truth! I think that for you, as the President of Russia, it is not unimportant to know: - That I was brought up with Russian and French literature and poetry (I found God by reading Dostoevsky as an eleven-year-old child). - As a journalist of “Review of International Affairs” during 24 years I met many more Russians than Americans and none of them ever disappointed me. On the contrary, I remember them with love and nostalgia. However the voices in my head of which certainly come from Serbs, who are supposedly oriented towards Russia are: “American, Hungarian, democratic prostitute”, repeated thousands of times! - A long walk along the Nevsky Prospekt of your Petersburg on a cold autumn day with the woolen, warm scarf from the mother of the Russian journalist Nadezhda from “New Time”, who followed me, is one of my most beautiful memories in life. - I was born like you in 1952. - I could list many more things, but it would be important for you to know that I look at your photographs questioningly and wonder how you would react as a statesman and how as the man if you were familiar with many details of my unusual, difficult, painful experience in my own country, among my own people. - What you should know about the political climate in Serbia is that it is a country with divided people between supporters of the ruling dictatorial regime and those who are opponents. At the same time, a division is being created completely irresponsibly in accordance with the geostrategic interests of the great powers. I think that Serbia’s place is in the European Union. - I consider myself a person who does not divide people by skin color, belonging to a certain nation, or religion and that is how I raised my children. My younger son’s roommate during his four-year study in London was a Muscovite, friend from an International American high school in Nicosia. He is both his married godfather and the godfather of his children. I recognize only those who care about preserving man and god in themselves. - My children grew up with American films, Western music and admire the values of democratic countries: human rights, freedom speech and opinion, freedom of choice…Regardless of my political orientation, my heart will always be with the Russian poet Vladimir Vysotsky and not with the American actor Richard Widmark and his arrogant attitude (I well remember the anger I felt many years ago when I read about their meeting). My son, who is no longer with us, often mentioned Nadezhda, with a Russian soul, who called me in excitement during NATO bombing: “Gordana, send the children to Moscow, I have provided everything”! I will never forget that! Speaking of the bombing, we survived it in the “Bermuda Triangle” across from the American embassy, and we know where those whose policy was to confront the whole world were hiding. What is happening today - policy of cooperation with the whole world and not with a certain percentage of its own people is an even greater evil now! I am very grateful that you maybe may read my letter! With the hope that in the future I will not look into your photos questioningly and that the events on the world stage will deny me when I am your strict judge. I am absolutely sure that soon the world will find itself again between the choice of good and evil! Controlling and punishing people with high technology is pure Nazi idea. I like to listen Glukoza’s song Schweine. Then I think of our persecutors, swindlers and of murderers of my son. I cordially great you and wish you all the best. Gordana Filipovic

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This mornig

I want to share my experience with you hoping you absolutely trust me. This morning, I stood in front of the main police station near my apartment and, looking at the surveillance camera, introduced myself and said: "I accuse you that for the very top of the Serbian authorities many of you have been into political police who use high military technology he kills , persecutes and humiliates his own citizens in order to stifle freedom of speech and opinion.I accuse you of the death of my son Dusan Filipovic. I accuse you of torturing me,! I do not go inside because I do not trust you!" I have stated with absolute certainty the names of the perpetrators themselves who only serve to Pilate wash the hands of the top authorities. I'm afraid they won't do anything! Would that be the case in your countries? Thousands of police officers will see that scene as well as the video! I do my best so that the death of my son, the target individual (I am now sure of his earliest childhood) does not remain unconsecrated!

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Digital concentration camps

I enclose my letter (for all us) to Mr Piotr Setkiewicz from the Auschwitz Museum Research Center

Dear Mr. Setkiewicz,

Searching the Internet for information about the Auschwitz Museum, I came across your short biography. The fact that as a historian you have a doctorate on the subject of the greatest evil in history (as a conception, as a meaning, as an idea), is a reason for me to express my great respect to you.

I have never visited the Auschwitz Museum. My children are. They told me about the heavy sadness they felt there. I had the opportunity to see an exhibition dedicated to Auschwitz at the War Museum in London and I couldn’t separate myself from the photos of beautiful,skinny faces of children with big, dark eyes. I still remember them.

We were all convinced that the Holocaust and genocide would never happen again in history.   

I do not want to sadden you for facing the fact that your struggle (and many like you, victims and descendants of victims) with the goal not to be forgotten, not to be repeated - failed. I know you know about the existence of digital concentration camps around the world that are school examples of virtual Auschwitz.

I am a targeted individual for 34 years for political reasons. My older son was targeted individual too. He is no longer with us.  As an opponent of the ruling dictatorial regime in our own country, he was “driven” to suicide a year ago.

I have been a member of the Peacepink association since 2018. I discovered most of the information and attitudes by reading the experiences of other victims. That is how I found out that in 2016, the Polish Minister of Defense talked to the victims of psychotronic terrorism in your country (that is absolutely unthinkable in Serbia. High military technology is a taboo subject as well as abuse and torture). That why I think you need to know about the existence of that parallel digital world of suffering and helplessness.

Thanks to Peacepink, I remembered these sentences of the victims about the perpetrators, persecutors and abusers: “Their unethical go beyond the Nazi…”, “They realize the unfulfilled dream of Josef Mengela, torture the body and follow the mind…”.

In the hope that you will be a role model for some future generations who will deal with the suffering of us targeted individuals (some of us say that we are the greatest martyrs and saints in history),
I personally wish you all the best!

Gordana Filipovic

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