TI CHI's Posts (2)

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Notice of a Change to my Peacepink UserName

I will shortly be changing my Login account for Peacepink because I am switching Internet access protocols in order to save a little money.  I expect to create a second account to continue my presence.

I understand that there is a degree of suspicion that might be attached when such a change takes place, as it might be perceived as the account being hacked.  This is the world we live in.  I will have to deal with whatever happens.

I am leaving the old information intact rather than deleting the account.  I may lose the ability to do that later, but what is there belongs there.

I may need to send new friend requests, and I might appear twice in the Member list.  

Anyway, I just wanted to make note of the change for the sake of continuity.

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MCVICTIMS site has been Disabled

None of the very valuable information accumulated over the years is accessible. 

It was an outstanding success as proven by the relentless volume of spam posted by perps on it.

Now it is lost.  Disabled by NING for lack of payment.  And the person who started it - Disappeared.

Others will take its place soon, and will be more secure and permanent.   

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