Note to Everyone





any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic energy, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.


Thank you sincerely,



Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. (The Holy Bible)


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Mind control technologies are weapons which use drugs, electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and /or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system.

I have collected many reported articles which introduce 'mind control technologies'. The listing of these articles will not mislead readers; it is a short cut for readers to learn what mind control technologies are.

More introduction of this website.

Laws Against Criminal Uses of Electromagnetic Energy Weapons


The Fact and evidence of abuses and tortures of mind control technologies:

Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency

Soleimavis Liu presented this paper at the E-Leader conference held by Fudan University (China) and Chinese American Scholars Association (USA) in Shanghai, January 5-7, 2015.

Book “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies.


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  • Hi , according US patent 6011991A, victims are harassing via satellite, so you can try GPS jammer with wide frequency, I put 

    link here:

    GPS Pro Handheld
    Powerful portable GPS Jammer PRO model with L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / 173MHz coverage. Switch selectable channels and a built in fan for constant cool…
  • Franco,

    We're in a Cybernetic war, we're the first of many vicitims to come (the attacks became publicly noted as early as 1950's with even movies about the attacks being undertaken in the 1970's), which will die in cruel and unusual manners for a group of psychopaths who control the Cybernetic technology (they even attack my elderly Mother in Canada), they've severe mental problems, albeit, they appear to have been imprisoned into this cybernetic system by donating their brains/bodies to science or the medical establshment (some of them), they then are conneted to the Cybernetic Internet-of-things, where they can imprint themselves into our bodies via remote "Frey" effect microwave connection, this is true for a portion of those who attack us. The problem is their group highly promote the Roman Catholic religion/"God" as a cover for their organizations true intentions, if you can make a person state they beleive in an invisible being just on faith, you already control their mind. Most of the workers don't have the mental strength needed to have such prolonged lives or mental constraints neccisary to choose morals and ethics over personal wants and desires, especially sincetheir purposely selected based on their weaknesses of character.

    They also mentioned to me about "Vedic Cyclic Time theory" beng the true state of this reality, and that when we die no matter what they try to entice you with, do not come back to this world it's all just a deception, we've no way to win there's nothing we can do "different", if you try they just sit you down and make you stare at a wall, as they state they "play" from the future into the past and we're forced to live/play life from the present (past) to the future. As such, we'll always lose.

    Besides metaphysical facts, all I know is that most TI's are good people, they target people who try to make things better and/or are willing to stand up for human rights.

    They told me those in the Intelligence Community who accept the "silver" shall also recieve the "lead" in the end. For they are the only ones with the power to do anything, and for those who only choose to watch those pleading for help, and they do nothing in another persons time of need, that they shall rightfully deserve their punishment, as they have been the most faithful to "them" (In this case "them" refers to a Roman Occult group, but to keep things very simple, the current rulers of this world, who stem from the antiquated Roman empire (Apparently they still use the Roman coding system, I'm not sure what is mind you, but I do know their relgious branch the Roman Catholic Church is said to have used it for millenia.). Their statement is based off this poem:

    I hope our pleas are heard (they specifically are trained to ignore "conspiracy theorists"so wemustbe careful howwe portray our information, form firsthand knowledge to an educated guess, we can't confuse the two)we can stop this Global network of Cybernetic terrorists, this situation is best decirbed as a covert high technology war, by the way, incase anyone wants to know... Their European branch infiltrated the American CIA (the CIA OSS element to be precise) during Operation Paperclip. This brought reinforcements onto U.S. Soil for their Roman Terrorist Factions members already established within America. This is a Trojan horse manuever, and which is why the Global Intelligence Community can't help us TI's, as they themsleves are unknowing vicitms of the same technology by this esoteric terrorist faction, albeit, they're not "awake" like we are.

    Being "awake" as most of us have noted enhances the torture we experience, which is why we need to stay calm and work together.

    I'm still trying to gather people to work on building a protective underground structure, which should be capable of stopping incoming DEW attacks. I feel this is the only thing we can do to survive comfortablly in this world, at least during sleep and indoor work you can have peace of mind. This is my current goal, if the government is incapable of protecting us/stopping their attacks against us, we certainly need to try, please join me. 

    Never, ever, give up.


    P.S. The tormentors purposely decieve us, let's speak by our actions, as they speak loudest.
  • I like to study psychology from time to time, your counter-Intelligence to defame people who're being tortured by the Government is very degrading to those who truely suffer from these attacks.

    You should leave this website.

    "I'll give you another help. We hate mind control. Both me and my mental torturers. Your mental torturers are also obliged."

    I wish you luck in finding an NSA/CIA tormentor who hates mind control, if they hated it so much, you know what they'd do? They'd stop using it.

    Good people find ways to do good things, bad people find ways to do bad things. I choose the path of good.

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  • I have contacted professor Nils Melzer by sending him email and on Twitter, he was first man non-victims, but he is special torture reporter in UN to want to ban cyber torture, I just built my new company A&A Identifying Technology Inc. in California, which has been approved by California government, I will sale my Automatic Identity Machine on Amazon and I will give victims using the machine with remote technical support freely, but I hope some brave victims to go to court to these psychiatrists who made wrong diagnosis to victims in the past, if there are two or three victims win the cases in court, we will ask to reform the current mental illness standards DSM-5 and push congress legislation. I think victims around the world always talk and talk can not resolve any thing. Thanks  Da Li USA

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  • Dear John Zhou,

    I'm a real victim. Speaking about cognitive changes deemed mind control is a dangerous thing, believe it or not. The topic of terrorist biohackers ripping your body apart with a maser array usually only gathers awkward looks and behaviors from listening parties; but a statement about mind control and how you're being remotely controlled and further still that they're speaking to a group of strangers, who lives within your body who're controlling your cognitive functions, central nervous system and peripheral nervous system in addition to speech, sight, taste and hearing; can land you into a mental hospital. This reason alone might be why many of us "real" victims dislike disclosing the aspect of being mind-controlled by this group of biohacking terrorists who're attacking us. Again it's awkward, but the true difference can be instead of simply stating a John 17.17, we might instead/also use an Acts 12.15 with it.

    I hope this helps.

    Best regards,

    In response to:
    "are there any REAL victims , everyone is working on make it sounds more complicated

    let other people none victims to have "Reason" to not believe it

    if all those "fight" change to simply report RF wave attack , no mind control , only
    electric shock , with so many report , victims will get help ."

  • are there any  REAL victims , everyone is working on make it sounds more complicated

    let other people none victims to have "Reason" to not believe it 

    if all those "fight" change to simply report  RF wave attack  , no  mind control , only  
    electric shock , with so many report ,  victims will get help .







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