Rally The People's Posts (2)

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As many of us know, financial ruin is a staple in the strategic "weapons cache" of those who target us.  Though the elements of our targeting happen in different order depending upon the individual, financial ruin would be the natural first step in targeting someone who possesses as much wealth as Ms. Hill.  In years past, there have been some who questioned her emotional stability due to reportedly drastic changes in her personality.  Hill herself chalked them up to personal growth.  Listening to her Unplugged CD (2002) should the curious some insight into that debate.  At any rate, these incidents smack of targeting to me.  What do you think??

Lauryn Hill Said She Didn't Pay Taxes Because She Withdrew From Society


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Our Places of Worship

Hi, all.  I propose that all those who worship send letters and packets of info to their own and other places of worship.  We should ask them to pray for us all, teach them how to support targeted individuals and provide them with educational materials instructing them on the kind of stalking, harassment and assault we experience.  This will help us get the word out and create a support base for those who are suffering a lot.

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