I felt a need to write something, a need to hear some comforting words, a need to speak with people who are friendly with me...During the last period I was avoided as the plague...insulted, emotionally assaulted...and lately, after being labelled as
US Patents On Subliminal Suggestion & Mind Control
Note - These are just a portion of the patents available on the net which deal with mind control, mental and emotional influencing, perception engineering and brain functioning performed remotely and
Canada's internet provides , Rogers' Fido by refreshing the webpage , is stopping me from sending message to UNs Peacekeeping. So, I send it again, thanks.
Stop them, force Canada to arrest them to hand over them ; and force Canada to...
Canada , WHO, medical experts ,and international human rights deeply know not good and enough sleep for long time must lead to neuron's irreversible damage, which can lead to Dementia, Alzheimer.... For 20 years, I have hardly had one good and whole
Mr PM, Canadian government, you want me to show you one female witness about how McDonald's cashiers repeatedly poison ed me ? One of them was Philippine female cashier.
justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca sgcentral@un.org antonio.guterrees@un.org vturk@ohchr.org s
"Mailtem" members of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST the (secret) Abuse and Torture That Uses Mind Control, Directed Energy Weapons and Manipulation Weapons on Every Living Being (NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS,/human manipulation/PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS ) "电子邮件团队"
Please send to UN Peacekeeping, ICC prosecutor , UN Human Rights Chief/Office, UN's Highest Court , UN Human Rights Council ,UN Security Council...Thanks. Canada.... extremely don't "like" them. 10 years ago, UN Human Rights Office told me and them,
Canada No1, 2 Internet providers, Rogers' Fido are hiding madly and hacking these 2 files from backstage. Please send to ICC prosecutor , UN Human Right Council , UN Peacekeeping and UN Human Rights Chief, UN Security Council...Thanks. Not only for m
Everything is clear, their dirty and brutal hands not only me, but on UN...but on my 2 cars. Please send this to UN Human Rights Chief /Office, UN Human Rights Council, UN Security Council, UN Peacekeeping, ICC Prosecutor, UN's Highest Court ,the Ex
After I received ICC prosecutor and UN Human Rights Chief recently , what are they doing? Please send this below to UN Secretary-General, UN Security Council , UN Peacekeeping, and UN Human Rights Council, thanks.
I have contacted ICC , UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council for over 20 years by emails, no responses at all due to their all possible hacking "skills" , plus firewall confirmed by one University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada . But, yest