sathish's Posts (16)

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Tortured minds

Yesterday i tourtured heavly its dieing situation.succide attempts unfourtanetly gas was not explode.and they torturing to join terrioist .agasit my country india.
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Reg lawers

I contact local lawers for brain mapping from court lawer telling not possible needs evidance peacepink lawers help me out my mail id
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Tortured minds

I got lot of tortured son of a bitch doing we suffred i need help can we do the same ro their family then only son of bangkok pigs get unserstand we are just assing comments why the organition not helpinh any buddy and why world simply sit quite.because of rich and poor we are all tortured.once again capitalisim rule world no humanity on earth what u r people doing ita comment not doing any thing aon of a bitch doing ill legal activity.
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Mind control

Mind control tortured yester day and today night also son of of ass axe md harish md aurz pharma bangalore I f u ck u. Son of highly country brute if u meet I kill u warring over .only punishments remains us. Don't worry I will punish u
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Hihgly tortured

I have highly tortured yesterday from this I decided to kill citizen of USA and germs theses people mainly developed so i decided burn alive these citizens in india whr I see.we know these peopleinocwnt but from their country developed technology harmful to humans I decided to kill all the people .
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