Court Mental Health Paper Trail prt 2

This is just a court mental health evaluation as far back as 1988 I was exposing the RF Sutro Towers and St Francis - Sutro Towers in 1981 and St Francis Hotel early mid 80s these CMH and law enforcement agencies know of my Exposing there involvement of the Prince of the Power of the Airwaves!In Jesus Christ ServicesWayne Morin Jr11/27/16
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  • Great question Sue as always I'm always up for any and all questions, for one reason is I have a book, out Razors of Madness, and second is that I'm a TV Show Host, so answering questions is something is part of my being able to have similar interests with my viewers, so to say.
    As for the question on medications Yes, I do a very small dose of Zoloft 25mgs.
    As for Jesus Christ I always loved him - but I wasn't saved. I have so much more (real) peace now that I've excepted Jesus as my personal Savior-and been baptized. My suffering has in many ways gotten worse. But Jesus said it wont stop because I get saved. But I'm very hopeful and see for the TI community some better days in our future.
    In Jesus Christ Services

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