MC-12W Liberty: This aircraft circles my home and where ever I go for days at a time. many times a day and then just stop.... I feel fine for weeks months and as soon as this aircraft seems to show up I end up with rapid pulse, high blood-pressure. loss of vision, head pain heart palps Rf rashes on face and back, dizziness and a feeling of a magnetic or energy field around me.. then it all just stops and things and my body go back to normal..
The MC-12W is a medium- to low-altitude, twin-engine turboprop aircraft. The primary mission is providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) support directly to ground forces. The MC-12W is a joint forces air component commander asset in support of the joint force commander. The MC-12W is not just an aircraft, but a complete collection, processing, analysis and dissemination system. The aircraft are military versions of the Hawker Beechcraft Super King Air 350 and Super King 350ER (both subvariants are desinated MC-12W). A fully operational system consists of a modified aircraft with sensors, a ground exploitation cell, line-of-sight and satellite communications datalinks, along with a robust voice communications suite. The aircraft is equipped with an electro-optical infrared sensor and other sensors as the mission requires. The EO/IR sensor also includes a laser illuminator and designator in a single sensor package. The MC-12W system is capable of worldwide operations and supports all aspects of the Air Force Irregular Warfare mission: counter insurgency, foreign internal defense, and building partnership capacity.
Yes Sue in synch, im 20 year ti so iv seen alot but the strange thing is ill be fine and ill get a ringing in my ears 30-45 seconds before one of these show up.. then within seconds after an encounter ill get a burning rash on my back neck n face...Its not all the time just on occasions. but its the same pattern...