Note to Everyone



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Comments: 37

One of the twenty-first century’s greatest violations of human rights is the proliferation of mind control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture.


Despite of disagreements of religions, I indeed believe that everyone should fight against torture and abuse of mind control technologies and Directed Energy Weapons. 

No matter what religions you believe, I wish that you can stand up for justice - To expose…

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Comments: 16

More Information about mind control, directed energy weapons

Paper "Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency":

Laws Against Criminal Uses of Electromagnetic Energy Weapons


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 USSC Petition 24-91 Targeted Justice v. Garland


Tomorrow the U.S. Supreme Court will hold a conference to decide whether to accept TJ’s Petition for Reconsideration.

Please show your support for Targeted Justice by emailing the Justices. Here’s a sample letter for you to use with additional information.…

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Together, we are more powerful, exceeds what they can imagine. Please send this to them because they are hacking them, thanks.

Must hand over them to ICC, and UN's highest court or allow them with UN Peacekeeping to arrest Canadian torturers, criminals against humanity in Canada " at once".

They are hacking UN Peacekeeping and all UN's. So, please send it to UN Peacekeeping ,the Secretary-General, thanks

“By providing a strong voice advocating for victims and…

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00:00-24:00 變態賤人間歇性遙控電子武器令我身體超熱;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將身處高噪音者同我併聽覺,令我不得安靜。精神虐待;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人全開我腦音,將多人同我併腦袋惡意思維干擾,潛聲誤導聽者;

00:00-07:00 變態控機賤人將呼吸道疾病者同我併呼吸和感覺,精神虐待;


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1. 本週,變態控機賤人每天持續遙控電子武器令我和受害者1-3級頭痛,於十四日(星期三)將頭痛強度加至今3-5級,令我同大部分受害者臥床不起。我已於當天下午時份向國安處和警方報案。


2. 股市騙局: 有被腦控受害者提供資料,有賤人利用腦控技術,腦控受害者買入大筆即將到期的認股權證,同時勾結證券經紀不落盤買入,直至認股權證到期作廢後,大筆資金即袋袋平安。




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00:00-24:00 變態賤人間歇性遙控電子武器令我身體超熱;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將身處高噪音者同我併聽覺,令我不得安靜。精神虐待;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人全開我腦音,將多人同我併腦袋惡意思維干擾,潛聲誤導聽者;

00:00-07:00 變態控機賤人將鼻塞,痰塞者同我併呼吸和感覺,精神虐待;


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1. 近期發現有身在台灣的人士,未得我同意,將我戴帽的相頭據為己有,寫專欄,在此作出強烈譴責,據稱是在港犯罪而逃亡台灣的無耻之徒。


2. 被腦控受害者都有腦缺氧問題。我們正常健康的睡眠時間是持續性八小時,但對於被腦控受害者來講是很奢侈的事情,我已超過十年未試過持續八小時睡眠。經過十年的精神折磨,近日經常感覺到很疲累,想睡但又沒法進入深睡,被告知是因為變態控機賤人持續三年暗中遙控缺氧式能量器攻擊我,令我不知不覺中腦部缺氧而提不起精神。專家提醒被腦控受害者,如經常發覺昏昏欲睡,睡醒時有頭暈症狀,比未睡時更辛苦,即是被缺氧式能量器攻擊,當發現被暗中攻擊時,每天不能太長時間睡眠,多做帶氧運動,多飲水,以防腦缺氧引起的昏迷症狀。



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Be a soldier of Jesus Christ

2Timothy2:3Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

God gave mankind freedom and liberty. God never controlled mankind’s minds. Only Satan and his supporters wanted to control mankind’s minds. Nazis were the first to develop the mind control weapons. With the help of Satan, they even wanted to conquer the whole world. Even though the world had destroyed Nazis, People had not been able to prevent the proliferation of mind control weapons, and prevent such weapons from falling into the hands of followers of Dragon and Beasts. More followers of Dragon and Beast started to research and develop mind control weapons. The Dragon, Beasts and their followers wanted to control their followers and also used their mind control weapons to abuse and torture God’s people secretly.

2 Samuel 12:12 You did it in secret, but I will do this thing in broad daylight before all Israel.'

Skimlinks Test

Peacepink is the name of a kind of Pink Color Rose. It means: Peace and Love. We share Peace, Love and Care.


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 USSC Petition 24-91 Targeted Justice v. Garland🗽#TJvGarland🗽Tomorrow the U.S. Supreme Court will hold a conference to decide whether to accept TJ’s Petition for Reconsideration.Please show your support for Targeted Justice by emailing the Justices. Here’s a sample letter for you to use with additional information.
6 hours ago
Robin Yan commented on Robin Yan's event Must hand over them to ICC, and UN's highest court or allow them with UN Peacekeeping to arrest Canadian torturers, criminals against humanity in Canada
"please send these 3 below:


Together, we are more powerful, exceeds what they can imagine. Please send this to them because they are hacking them, thanks.

Must hand over them to ICC, and UN's highest court or allow them with UN Peacekeeping to arrest Canadian torturers, criminals against humanity in Canada " at once".

They are hacking UN Peacekeeping and all UN's. So, please send it to UN Peacekeeping ,the Secretary-General, thanks

“By providing a strong voice advocating for victims…"
15 hours ago
Robin Yan commented on Robin Yan's event Must hand over them to ICC, and UN's highest court or allow them with UN Peacekeeping to arrest Canadian torturers, criminals against humanity in Canada

Everything is clear for everyone. Please send this to them at once because of their dirty hands and ugly "faces".

Before in Canada, they filtered , hacked UN, UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council, International Bar Association...

Recently after ICC prosecutor , UN Human Rights Chief /Office contacted me not by any regular emails, they are now 404ing 403ing all UN's websites in Canada. Meanwhile, in my home and my workplace, they are attacking , actually are controlling…"
15 hours ago
Robin Yan commented on Robin Yan's event Must hand over them to ICC, and UN's highest court or allow them with UN Peacekeeping to arrest Canadian torturers, criminals against humanity in Canada

Please send to ICC prosecutor , UN Human Right Council , UN Peacekeeping and UN Human Rights Chief, UN Security Council...Thanks.

Rogers' Fido is extremely , madly hiding and filtering this file from backstage after I save it as PDF. So, I can't upload to file transfer.

Please send to Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government , ICC , UN's Highest Court , UNS Peacekeeping and UN Human Rights Chief, UN Security Council... because of their ongoing evil, brutality and terror…"
15 hours ago