Note to Everyone



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Comments: 37

One of the twenty-first century’s greatest violations of human rights is the proliferation of mind control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture.


Despite of disagreements of religions, I indeed believe that everyone should fight against torture and abuse of mind control technologies and Directed Energy Weapons. 

No matter what religions you believe, I wish that you can stand up for justice - To expose…

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Comments: 16

More Information about mind control, directed energy weapons

Paper "Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency":

Laws Against Criminal Uses of Electromagnetic Energy Weapons


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Please send to whom they are "afraid of" at once, uploads will expire soon, thanks.

From Canada's recent media, Canada, my all neighbours, at least 3 Philippine couples ( who don't work at all for over 20 years),
those who are gathering around /in my workplace. .... are so "afraid of" ( can be replaced by another word) UNS Peacekeeping, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council , especially International Bar Association and International Criminal Court because…

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Maintaining your vehicle’s health is essential for ensuring a smooth and safe driving experience. One critical but often overlooked aspect of car maintenance is regular wheel alignment. This straightforward service can significantly impact your vehicle’s performance, safety, and longevity. In this blog, we’ll delve into the numerous benefits of regular wheel alignment…

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Here is an update for my email sent
in 2021 . You , UN Secretary-General , UN Security Council , UN Peacekeeping, ICC, and UN's highest court, must take immediate actions to stop them in Ontario, Canada, and must take immediate actions to force Canada to... after seeing it and "befores" sent to you all.

By firewall, they are now intercepting ( emails ) and hacking (emails, VPNs, browsers) everything I am using, which are dangerous to them, such as email regarding "class action ".…

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Comments: 0

Canada , WHO, medical experts ,and international human rights deeply know not good and enough sleep for long time must lead to neuron's irreversible damage, which can lead to Dementia, Alzheimer.... For 20 years, I have hardly had one good and whole sleep because of their ongoing terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra by my all neighbors, who do not work at all.

UN for us! Please send at once to them.
UN Secretary-General , UN Security Council , UN Peacekeeping, ICC, and…

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UN Secretary-General , UN Security Council
and UN Peacekeeping....., you must take immediate actions.

In Canada, Rogers' Fido are stopping me from uploading this video for your immediate actions , which contains our contacts with UN Human Rights Office , ICC ; and what former UN Human Rights Chief said to those war criminals, criminals against humanity in Canada ; and UN Human Rights office's Human Rights Investigation, Accountability ; and how…

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Be a soldier of Jesus Christ

2Timothy2:3Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

God gave mankind freedom and liberty. God never controlled mankind’s minds. Only Satan and his supporters wanted to control mankind’s minds. Nazis were the first to develop the mind control weapons. With the help of Satan, they even wanted to conquer the whole world. Even though the world had destroyed Nazis, People had not been able to prevent the proliferation of mind control weapons, and prevent such weapons from falling into the hands of followers of Dragon and Beasts. More followers of Dragon and Beast started to research and develop mind control weapons. The Dragon, Beasts and their followers wanted to control their followers and also used their mind control weapons to abuse and torture God’s people secretly.

2 Samuel 12:12 You did it in secret, but I will do this thing in broad daylight before all Israel.'

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Peacepink is the name of a kind of Pink Color Rose. It means: Peace and Love. We share Peace, Love and Care.


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Mathew Aderson replied to Robin Yan's discussion Please send this to UN Secretary-General, UN Human Rights Chief,UN's highest court and ICC asap,thanks.
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