Most of the indications below can be reversed once you realize that you don't want to be defeated except for the last one for obvious reasons.
1. When you walk around the street homeless shouting and talking aloud with voices
2. When you suspect any and everybody to be stalking you
3. When you come to have blind faith in whatever religion it is that you worship without reason
4. When you find yourself to be a cult leader of a new religion based on channeled messages
5. When you are sure that you are the second coming of Christ/ Messiah / Maitreya / etc.
6. When your only goal in life is worshipping the golden calf (money)
7. When you cannot overcome difficulties of relationships
8. When you cannot be wise enough to eventually that you cannot convince your family that EMCHMs exist
9. When you think the only possibility of the perps true identity is the secret government orgs.
10. When you commit mass murder