I know there is an aspect of Cointelpro to this and the FBI won't take our complaints. One FBI agent even said they have these weapons but only use them on, "Foreign Nationals". This points directly to the FISA laws and how they have been turned against the US citizens.
But there is also an MKultra aspect and that is where the mind control and the freaky stuff you mentioned comes in. The CIA logs state over and over MKultra and, "Mind Control of US Citizens". Larson also mentions in his law suite MKultra is funded through 2011, something I wish, "we" could prove.
Then there is, "Non consensual Human Experimentation". Under this exemption it was where directed energy weapons, drugs and biological weapons come in. The justification for these exemption was where it could protect our troops facing these attacks in battle.
Only under Fusion Centers do you see these groups with their weapons, programs, tactics all brought together. They are now under the control of Home Land Security but were under the control of The Joint Terrorism Task Force pre-911 when I was hit pretty badly. Thus the, "War on Terrorism", is the justification and rational now and really has always been to pass these laws and put this on the streets.
Lawyer BOB should approach the whole thing. It is not just COINTELPRO.
Can you fit that into 30 seconds?
We need a new bill passed called, "Give Us a F--King Break". TIs are tired of this crap in their lives. We have done our part for the cause of activist repression, mind control of the US population and protecting our troops.
On that note HAPPY HOLIDAYS! <;-)
Peter Rosenholm