#1043  10th anniversary/Government labs far ahead of most schools

 Thank you to the TI who put up this link on a mind control patent..........


Another TI into computers fairly early around 1976 said he couldn't argue with this patent. The government laboratories must be far ahead of us.

From me below about how far ahead the government technology and experimentation is than what is taught in schools, even very technical schools.....................................................

 .................I started a computerized machine shop in late 1985. I had to use the original IBM PC to communicate with a Bridgeport CNC machine using the asynchronous Communications manual.....host echoing, line end character, etc.
   I made my own cable and did the connections with a break out box to cancel out all the, "Are you reading to receive" commands etc., with the high and low power pins off of the RS232 port.
    My brother ended up running the computers at Georgia Tech when he later went for his masters in Industrial Engineering and he had never had a computer course ever, but had gotten a nuclear engineering degree from Lowell tech and had worked with the Navy and GE at a program to run nuclear reactors on land and in subs. That was in about 1979 for him. With that he ended up working at Bell laboratories in New Jersey around 1980 on computer software,  the Unix operating system I think.
    The military though is probably 30 years ahead of us. So like you say it is hard to argue with the black and white of this patent.
    I know I was hit with MEDUSA in 1-1-2001, hospitalized, involuntarily committed and tortured. The psychological attack called a forced suicide using V2K, voice cloning and torture in an attempt to get me to jump out the window or hang myself, was the worst.      Even though I survived and called my daughter in the morning to see she hadn't been kidnapped and harmed while calling to me through the whole thing for help I was still traumatized and PTSD.  I'm two days away from my tenth university. It sucks but it shows me how the Navy announcing they were going to have a company make a prototype in the late 2000's around 2007 was many years delayed from what they were really had. This is very much in line with Hillary's apology for the experiments in Guatemala using STD's on unwitting subjects. That is who we are and in 50 year they might admit to what they have done to us unless this all goes computer automated and people no longer have any rights at all. They may all be so mind controlled by then they won't have to worry about problems like public opinion because there won't be elections. People like Hillary and us won't be able run for office. It looks to me like we are at of near the event horizon, the point of no return.
     Why should they respect our rights when we are about to be completely controlled.

                                                                                       Peter Rosenholm

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