#1093 Insight into the Bio-ethics commission

#1093 Insight into the Bio-ethics commission


What you can't see is that to the left and right of Dr. Amy Gutmann is a panel of about ten people. I am going to scan in some of the documents that were given so other can read what we were given during this two day meeting. Here is the link keep this some where and visit it to see the documents as I scan an put them up. I hope they are clear enough and readable. I'll start soon.

     I honestly am unsure of what the results will be. This has to be very hard thing for a government to admit to. It is profiteering on the suffering of others. There were speakers both pro and con. I spoke to a Dr. Martha Farah. The Chair for Presidential Commission for the study of Bio-ethical Issues, Amy Gutmann had just asked her about, "Mind Control"? Dr. Farah said something to the effect that mind control doesn't exist and something like it is a million years away. But then Dr. Gutmann asked about subvocal speech recognition? Dr. Farah then said that isn't mind control, that is reading the movement of muscles in connection with speech or unspoken speech. The truth is that it is the reading of you unspoken thoughts. The brain still sends the nerve impulses down to the lower jaw. these then can be decoded and with a computer our thoughts/unspoken thoughts are heard. They ended then taking a break. I made my way over to the two now talking and Dr. Gutman said we will talk about this later.

     I then mentioned something about subvocal speech recognition as being the reading of our thoughts and went on to ask what she thought about millimeter wave surveillance in combination with V2K being used as a remote lie detector. she claimed to not know anything about these technologies.

     Then at the end she gave a closing statement on how FMRI or brain imaging should be studied and used as a lie detection system for law enforcement and either the military or Home land security. She was criticized by Dr. Gutmann saying this technology has only been proven to be 90% affective. Some how I had hit right on her agenda maybe. I'll be thinking about this some more and will be reviewing the video of the commission.

    I'll post there literature here.   http://www.flickr.com/photos/28932432@N05/


                                                                                            Peter Rosenholm

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