Check out the below sites or just google: black knight mystery satellite
I believe this is another supporting information that support my theory that the perps has been influencing humanity for thousands of years to cause us to destroy ourselves via their mind control technology. They used their superior tech to pose as gods to our ancestors and enticed them into killing each other. That is why our world is a graveyard of collapsed civilizations.
There are tons of information attesting to the fact that our forgotten ancient past had periods of high technology. We as TIs must understand that if there were high tech periods in the earths history; Mind control tech would have also been developed in the past. Is it too far fetched to believe there is a ancient mind control machine that was programmed to harass humanity and ultimately make us self destruct is still operating or are being operated by the elites who went underground to escape the nuclear wars they started. If there is another global nuclear war; there will be elites of our society who will go into their underground bases stocked with alll the technology they will need to survive and thrive while the remnants of humanity will suffer and die away in a nuclear wasteland...If we (TIs) overcome the lie perpetrated by the perps that it is our governments and our neighbors who are stalking and harassing via mind control machines; We can prevent humanity from being trapped in the revolution of rising and falling of our civilizations. We can be the harbingers of the evolution of humanity. I trust that the billions or trillions of dollars being funneled to super secret black ops are actually being used to prepare humanity’s defense and ultimate victory against the evil hidden civilization who are scheming day and night to divide and destroy us…..