Dear Sir Or Madam
I have been gang stalked covert for many years and overt for approximately 4-5 years now. I wish to complaint about the various aspects of gangstalking I have received.
I have been raped by V2k equipment and sexually assaulted and abused and have received sexual harassment through a number of agencies. The Police Service, one of whom(called Charles stationed at Fleet and Aldershot Police Station) is a relative of a Perp (Maria Capp and her husband John Capp)who gang stalks and lives at number 5 St Nicholas Close, Fleet , Hants as well a benefits agency nurse from Atos Guildford Service and both have instructed one of my neighbours Mick McAndrews of 8 St Nicholas Close and his wife Beverley on how to use their V2k Surveillance device in 2018 (around the time FA Cup Final) to rape me with a ‘furry’ dick and has also been present on the V2k as well as other members of the Police Service including Dan Lehec, Dan Eves, Paul Franks and his son(apparently from CSEG(- another Mr Franks) – there is more. Around the time of the letter to Justin Trudeau there was also talk on the surveillance system of threatening life of The Prime Minister of Canada because of his stance on banning DEW, the voice of the Police was heard on street theatre, I had written to Justin Trudeau thanking him for help other TI’s in a struggle against DEW weaponary and Gangstalking who was offering a reward of $25 million dollars for naming perps who perform gang stalking, we also discussed with our team copyright problems with music Torture and sent a letter and article about fighting of human rights abuses with music torture because the CIA had to stop their music torture in FEMAs because of a case where an artist did not want them to use their song for torture and obviously copyright legislation was concerned I hope that you are aware that I calculated £96 million plus (used in my case) could be being used by every perp of which I was told that there was 18,000 of them in the UK involved in gang stalking there has been a lot more copyright infringement in Fleet and it is totalling up to billions (See Letter) and I do not believe that the American authorities will be very happy and neither will their music industry nor ours, so I thought I’d let you know.
The V2k is being used to extract information about my life, my illnesses and conditions, and also my benefits forms. They have been told that this is illegal from the start and they should not extract information in this way or make any of the sensitive data public because there are data protection laws against and laws of against the use strafenholler activities made aware to them from the Targeted Individuals 101 website in Canada which involve international laws against torture maltreatment abuse copyright theft and sexual abuse various anti discrimination laws against the hate crime (orientation, lifestyle, sex, size, status, disability etc) this and I am being targeted at home with various horrible comment and the street theatre is sexually based, biased and also harassing and discriminatory and Lesbian Discrimination and Asexual Discrimination has been heard by the town of Fleet. NHS, Surrey and Borders Partnership Trust, staff from the Recovery College based at Aldershot Health Centre, Hospital Hill Aldershot have all been involved in strafenholler gang stalking which can be heard for miles. I have already given various agencies (IPA, IOPTC, Hampshire Police at The Tower in Winchester, Benefits Agency( DWP Salisbury Centre in Wolverhampton and Customer Relations Department Croydon Health and Disability Assessment Centre).
A few days before this letter I was hoping to complain on Tuesday 4th (February) of this week and there were attempts to stop me complaining trying to enforce masturbation and comments about ‘snaking hand’ or ‘snake’ being directed towards my genital area which I am aware can be operated by machine use – yet they tried to control my body (arm and hand movement). I have had years of sexual abuse and harassment and they refer to and want to know about my sexual habits and I am sensitised by the machine using functions called the ‘caress’ function, and other functions, including a beam function to sensitise my genitals and breast and body and I am aware that is present on a lot of DEW v2k machines (of which I have given them proof on recordings of Mantech instruction manual, I am also aware of the proto types of other machines in use and patents and what various function do. I am still experiencing and have experienced hypersexuality and anal sensittisation and also in the past the ‘function’ of anal leakage upon my person, so it’s not all testing – see letter to the benefits agency- this is being done according to strafenholler model of intimidation, threat. I am aware it is possible to project a transmission and appear to be coming from a different location. There have been previous attempts ‘to talk to me’ about making complaints against the V2k gang stalking, I have proof that these events are not uncommon elsewhere in the uk see Merseyside Justice Watch also attached with e-mail or previous e-mail you have been sent.
There has also been illegal ‘testing’ of illnesses and conditions and recent threats against my person, and also prior threats of getting in to a ‘Backroom’ and beating me which they use a restaurant or café of some sort, I have overheard and witnessed the death of a cat in 2015 and the cat was bashed against a bin (a noticed on the police website there are high number of missing pets)and the relative of the police officer concerned was involved as well as my neighbour at number 8 (previous information given). This also being conducted by the daughter of a police officer at No5 St Nicholas Close called Maria, who all shoots supposedly ‘rats’ and shots can be heard around the neighbourhood, I have also been told they ‘clean’ people, he has also used a shot gun and fired it in the air before another neighbour apparently moved out, and I reported it to the Police. I had complained to the police who are seemingly ignoring me, yet appear on the system and I am aware that the equipment is being provided by councils but I was told in 2015 that the equipment was from ‘Red Square’. I told our authorities including the Army, The American Embassy, I was already making the Police Force of strange stalking events and told them after I approached the others, I even tried to call the Anti Loan Shark Service then also ABI ( because of pestering PI and I was aware that Mr Johnathon Capp might be a PI investigating me and keeping equipment in the loft, which I told Omar Barracks about) after not receiving much encouragement to believe that anybody would want to stop this illegal surveillance and nobody else seemed interested at the time, I told the Russian Authorities, the embassy and in this country that their equipment had been stolen (I was aware of the previous history that surveillance equipment had gone missing in Russia and that The Americans were helping them to track down the people who had stolen it) and that I was being surveilled, they have recording of why I did this 2016. I later contacted the Russian Federation. I overheard a man called Bob Isherwood in a car to his perp ‘to get rid of me’, who has a lot to with being on the board of the Defence Agencies, with Russian Relatives, and also that he has a daughter who has pre-mentioned as a psychologist at the local mental health team and Recovery College. I was complaining about mental health services in 2012/3 and Millbank Tower had received a bundle of complaint papers because I was needing help and support and I wasn’t getting it, because mental health services were changing however it is my belief that strafenholler events were going on prior to this as I have already pre-mentioned 2010 and may even be further back than that. After all the above to do with where this equipment originated from ; I was told that the Benefits Agency had 200 machines in operation in our area. There is also unethical experimentation of my memory and I am being asked whether certain function they are trying work, it’s as though they are using a proto type for testing and may I add another perp employed by the benefit agency has also told me that this equipment is being prepared for war.
My own cat was electrocuted in the chair he was lying in and also he had to be put to sleep after Kidney problems and there was someone from a gang who tried to fire a pressure gun at the cat flap and ‘shoot’ my cat as well. I have been sprayed since 2010 when I reported it to Fleet Police Station about aerosol in my Garden. Then I witnessed in 2017/8, around the time of Sergei Skirpal poisoning, the spraying of our town and then I had to tell the OPCW in 2018 of the chemtrails in Fleet and supposedly a CSEG spy threatening the OPCW with Gray see OPCW letter also the police were heard asking me if there was any law to stop the town from being sprayed which I provided proof of a town in USA that had successfully challenged the Government with Human Rights Law against the use of spray and months earlier there had been presence of the armed forces checking my radiation levels. I have proof that neighbours were paid by the Benefits Service and have been in contact with a Carol Jackie who was a Manager at South Western House in Aldershot and also part of a PI Service which they have named ‘The Moon’. There has been references to me being a lesbian and also would I like to sleep with the PI because she made offensive comments about what had been surveilled sexually in my own home, and there has been numerous questions on this about my sexual habits, sexual orientation and this situation has been used to intimidate and embarrass me, I am fighting and challenging people who have little understand and/or do not represent LGBT issues. The comment she made was played into me, and she told other PI’s and other people that she wanted to sleep with me because of what she had heard on the V2k. There has since been accusations that I am homophobic because I will not tolerate or sleep with her, I’ve been called the ‘Les’ and also they have tried to heckle me over the comment she made, and I belive this person has been involved- also called ‘claire’ yet they also called her ‘carol’ there may be two people doing it or more. They’ve used this situation to question my sexuality confusion that I reported on forms in the 00’s. The benefits agency, NHS (including My Consultant Psychiatrist), are trying to tell me I can’t be an Asexual, I’m either Bisexual or Hetrosexual, then asking me ‘to have their baby, and then the in a childish stupid intonation ‘a babyyyyy’.. The Neighbourhood have said they’d rather me be hetrosexual. The Man from No 8, was overheard and record saying ‘he did n’t want to hear another woman in my bed’ . There has been so many comments about lesbian and asexuality that are offensive they too numerous to name here. The same PI called carol/Claire has also been presented with ABI rules as has John Capp on code of conduct and has been surveilling me and slo my neighbour which I pointed out isn’t according normal rules of conduct (see association rule) and then integrity, privacy, confidentiality in conjunction with street theatre has not been followed and I wish to complain, the precedessor was contacted in Blackpool at ABI. There were also skits about the ‘ABI’ and they played into the house, which straffenholler was known for because I attempted to make a complaint in 2016 and also there were perps trying to stop me at the Vine Day Centre looking them up again after I thought I had lost them (The ABI rules and codes of conduct for inspectors). The continuation of straffenholler means any PI involved in broadcasting someone personal data can be taken to court and also complained against top the Association. After comments were made and played in over her wanting to sleep with me after hearing private recordings of me, the following conversation was heard in 2019 – last year.
They made reference to past comments about getting any yes to question of the crimes I am falsely accused opf and they would hypersexualise me and try to get somebody to sleep with me and talk to me and then they also were heard saying that they would isolate me and put me in a room and keep sexualising me until through an orgasm they go the word ‘yes’, they do it over and over until I died. They wait for me ‘like a leopard’ . I have the actual words on a yellow padf, They also referred to a pink thing in other words a dildo being used. For actual words contact me at my home address. I believe the PI has also involved with this too and ‘does it to lesbians’.
There was another lady called Carol Claire and staff of the benefits service involved known to the NHS and Psychologist Rebecca Isherwood (Part of The Recovery College where I have attended for treatment for various mental health issues– based at The Aldershot Health Service, Mental health Department) and The Vine Day Centre (where I attend as a Client) because of relative of hers has attended there in order to keep an eye on me and that was 2019.
There is and has been human rights abuses
To Kill, poison, and Injure – I’ve already explained that I have been sprayed, that our town has been sprayed see OPCW and there has been a series of incidents , there has been attempts made to poison me prior to the overt street theatre at my home including contamination of foodstuff and drink –(using an aspirin like substance and my own chlorpromazine (which I no longer take) which has already been broadcast via street theatre and to general public here and complained about with police listening in. Threats to Injure and harm me and also the I refer to the removal of my stair carpet, electrocution (which I have experience blood clotting reported to the doctor) at my home my floor, my walls, blew my neighbour lights, under the carpet, and also proof was provided by machine after repairs my home by No 8 and also a taser gun was used to shoot me at my sinks bcause I was trying to look underneath there in case the electric shocks were originating from the plumbing and the electricity was playing along the metal blinds, I also had to go to hospital because of repeated electric shocks through the floor and my phone and virgin media point - another series of events already reported to the police over the street theatre- which they can all hear, and also been ‘ accidents and damage to household appliances (attempts at electrocution)and equipment after intrusion incidents reported to the police – first reported 2007, and were ongoing. Damage to my property, clothes and drawers being rifled through, stealing and theft, theft of jewellery (which I would depriving another of their goods). The letter ‘J’ and Rhombs that have been seen ‘wriiten’ in my home, to damage curtains, to grace garden patio, in blue tack on my kitchen tile which was removed by a Support Worker at the time Patricia Crawford(Aldershot MH Services used to work for MACCA)- that some of the incidents which have been rife. They have also attempted to spread germs in my environment and this can also happen through radioactive wave, I have black mould growing up my walls, and also a tree in the garden which is going ‘red’ like Chernobyl forest – same colour and I noticed a plant in the garden, which has been uprooted by the neighbour John Capp, who owns this equipment apparently or it has been proved by his work a ‘PI’/’Cleaner’. There has also been a ‘popped’ surveillance bug put in my old coat. There has been popped pellet in my water and prior to that I sent my water to my Doctor (Dr Steven Clarke, Branksomewood Rd Surgery, Fleet) and swabbed my vent and curtains and cleaning cupboard and sent cotton swab samples and water samples where they have poisoned the water supplying – after knowing that they do this in other countries (which has been recorded). Such chemical as Sulfur dioxide, Cadmium, Arsenic, Barium, and Ethylene Dibromide(Reference OPCW letter). Also trying to use my obsessive nature to create chlorine poisoning, and also trying to record – yet other substances has been used. There is cadmium in the tank and traces of cadmium in the toilet – which I was advised to get rid of.
The wave I consider poison too, EMF wave is comprises of many metals and is radioactive.
Hate Crime involves stirring up of hatred of any demographic group not only Racial Hatred, but also religion, disability, status, and sexuality. Remarks have been made about my status of unemployment, my forms have been ridiculed, my mental illness has been ridiculed particularly hatred of Borderline Personality Disorder (which include references to virginity which were made as far back as 2015), my sexual status, and sexual status of others, they have also queried my Religion, Background, about my Friends, and Family and have also ridiculed them. They have tried to use various methods and techniques with their EMF wave. There has been racial hatred of Indians and also Russians But we are aware of political nature of the country- but I have reported it to their authorities).
See the following for human rights. Bolded is the sort of thing I’ve had put up with as part of street theatre and surveillance of my home. Data protection act Sensitive data, enjoyment privacy in the home, and the erection of an illegal camera – all of which has been told to you. Tried to call the ICO office about it and have presented the laws on data protection act on street theatre and have read the out a chapter, which is usually available on the world wide web, called ‘the Hidden Evil’ which has very much to do with strafenholler and the American System but happens all over the world.
Torture and Maltreatment
Sleep deprivation, attempts at enforced masturbation, sexualising, bodily sensitisation, repeat torture, cross talk, thought beam and psychological warfare tactics, and experimentation, water torture (dripping tap –even during my dissociative state when I was also sprayed during the years of 2012/3 – 2015), plonk sound in tap, creaking doors, clicking heels, headlights , horns (as known in ‘The Hidden Evil’), DIY and Repair works, Crow sounds a tiny bit, crowd sounds – when people aren’t even there , other people having sex played in, Cyber bullying known by our public, also transgression through bullying. Sexual torture we have told you about through harassment and abuse and rape and this is considered torture as well (see references to sexual harassment, abuse and rape. Witnessing overhearing ‘fake executions of people (including my enemies recently and in the past few years)’ and false alarms of fire, and also gas escape.
Attempts to choke me have been tried during and prior to street theatre overt attempts. ‘Testing’ of my throat through ‘sweets’ and food stuff and also I warned the person involved, including a police officer of life imprisonment. I have reported to the same police, through the V2k surveillance system and public system to no avail. I have been recently threatened with Strangulation and there have been numerous threats of harm, and murder. Threats of strangulation on 9th February, 10th February 2020 after their threats about filling out your T1 and T2 Tribunial Forms for Investigation against the Public authoritiers and associated individuals known to Perp.
Attempts at coaching suicide have also happened on the system. Postal tampering, privacy and confidentiality has been breach, tampering and utilisation of my telecommunication services and interruption through the electrical appliances in the home including my Virgin Media service ( which also showed signs of electric surges).
Various items around my home has tampered with, and there been intrusion, letter folded over in one corner (sign for ‘gambling’ – cards). Not all has post has been receive at my post address – which I intend to inform you of later.
I have had threats to my possessions, also someone saying levy my goods without a court order. Mike McAndrews at No 5. Has also said that he could have the doors locked before I come home and the locks change and lock me out my own home. There are people threatening my possessions and my security of housing in attempt to cause problems for me and black listing me.
Voyeurism also provided by neighbours on audio and visual recordings V2k(see below and above) In fact Mike McAndrews was over heard with other neighbours showing pictures of me on a computer providing proof there’s a camera. This has been done in conjunction with the Benefits ASgency and Maria Capp and her husbands company who are PI’s for the area and a ‘cleaner’ and the NHS who also know the ‘PI’ knows as carol/Claire and is part of John Capps Agency in Gosport – ‘The Moon’ has been referred to and also Bob Isherwood has met with and knows them, Maria has links with local police (aforementioned).
Unfortunately due to timescale I am unable to provide everything by 12th for Hampshire Police and Other authorities. I intend to go to the SWRU, the benefits Agency, Investigatory Powers Tribunial.
The following with additions continuing my complaint from Google sites Targeted Individual 101 will also explain what happening in Canada to deal with gang stalking attempts and I have also presented the law to the Gangstalkers via street theatre and surveillance the equivalent of our laws from Blackstones and although some of the length of criminal sentences may be different, I have let you know through this website what I intend to use in a court law in accordance with our legislation and the human rights act, because it is going on all over the world. Please see lighter bold and larger bold regarding my own case and with reference to the above.