Hi all - it's been a while! I've been quite busy trying to start an online business for support and more financial independence. Part of working toward escape from GS is to work for yourself instead of someone else. The additional plans to relocate are difficult to accomplish with the constant harassment, but I'm determined and it will get done.
I recently learned something I believe is important enough to share with everyone, and I'd like to see what you think about it. Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be scarey...
Given our tenuous condition and the short focus on the day to day survival we are forced to live, the state of the economy may have eluded you. There is a catastrophic economic collapse on the horizon which could make the stock market crash of 1929 and the following Great Depression look mild by comparison. This is not going to just effect the US.
The good news is that it will most certainly occupy our antagonists full attention. They will be very busy scrambling to put food in their mouth, and the focus will "temporarily" be off us. At the onset, there will be a window of time where panic and chaos will reign. (It looks like the gvt may not only be aware of this looming crisis, but has been preparing for it over the past few years. Has anyone wondered why there has been a buildup in the number of police and their powers have greatly risen, or why such a HUGE order for hollow point bullets recently made by law enforcement agencies?)
Throughout history, there have always been those who foretell disaster being right around the corner. This time, the circumstances support this scarey threat which is looming large in our immediate future. The US has acquired so much debt through borrowing that it can now not even afford to pay the INTEREST on those loans. As an aside, this is why the interest paid by banks is so low - low interest rates mean the gvt can hide the problem longer. Pres Nixon ended the gold standard (the value of gold held at Fort Knox backed every dollar printed). The result thereafter was that every time the gvt needed more money, they could simply print it. Without the value of gold behind the money, money became worth less and less as more and more was printed. And, this brings about devaluation and inflation.
Call me crazy, but I see this as an opportunity, albeit a drastic one, for TIs to begin now to carefully plan to relocate during the turmoil, and possibly end their GS. ALL PERPS are going to have their hands full, and won't be spending time following you, or continuing the harassment. Tough times are ahead and it won't be easy. But, as TIs we have all acquired survival skills which may see us through the worst of the coming crisis. Take advantage of every opportunity that might set you free.
Please listen to one or two of the following and see what you think?
Wishing every one of us a peaceful Christmas Day and Hope for the future.