本週腦控空間作孽者: 吳孟達,秦沛, 林家棟, 麥潔雯, 吳震宇, 朱咪咪
1. 據說腦控空間有一家人, 名叫曾偉明, 曾偉光和曾惠群, 吳孟達交他們一條我的腦芯片, 以每月一萬元報酬要他們長時間開有我芯片的腦控機, 以供他人竊聽和併芯片. 此一家現在已被曾志豪所用. 在此呼籲此家人, 或認識此家人和曾志豪的人, 見字後請同我聯絡. 我是被腦控受害者, 並非在腦控空間工作的人. 任何人仕未經我同意, 擅取我的芯片直接或間接使用都屬嚴重刑事罪行, 請立刻關機停止使用. 否則必須按我聲明中提到的懲罰性索償計算。
2. 腦控空間賤人經常誘使受害者同他們合作, 以高回報為餌, 利用受害者做一些犯罪行為後, 食言不付報酬, 反將受害者被誘使所犯的罪行作為勒索的把柄. 大家切記, 不可輕信腦控賤人的謊言.
3. 本週當我購買聖誕禮物, 贈送家人後, 有腦控空間的人到同一家商號購買相同價值的產品後, 隔日再去退貨取現金. 不知是何原因? 據講每次我購買禮物後,腦控賤人都有此情況發生.
4. 本週有糖尿病上眼者同我併芯片, 令我全週雙眼酸痛痕癢, 精神狀態很差.
5. 本週變態控芯片賤人持續將頸部, 左右眼紅腫敏感者共三人同我併芯片, 令我皮膚持續惡化.
6. 本週變態控芯片賤人將一位70歲長者同我併芯片, 令我滿面,滿頸皺紋, 呈現老態.
7. 本週變態控芯片賤人梁姓的跛腳鴨將幾位傷殘人仕同我併芯片, 令我右腿不良於行.
8. 無線有些甘草演員和臨記, 明星,DJ 父母, 老年住在老人院, 為了面子, 付款變態控芯片賤人, 將他們的芯片同住在私人物業者合併, 用住私人物業者眼壓, 隱瞞住在老人院的事實. 我不明白為何要為住老人院而有心理負擔, 在老人院有人照顧, 有人聊天, 一樣可以生活得好開心. 為何偏偏要併芯片滋擾陌生的受害者, 而目的只為了滿足自己的一點點虛榮心. 此舉不止令自己失禮, 更令其子女感到羞恥.
Mind control space news this week (December 18 to 24, 2017
This week work as metamorphosis troblem maker were known: Ng Man Tat, Paul Chun Pui, Gordon Lam, Kitman, Francis Ng. Mimi Chu
1. There is a family in brain control space named Cheung Wei Man, Cheung Wei Kong , and Cheung wei kwong, It is said that Ng Man Tat handed over a piece of my brain chip to such family, and require them to turn on the brain-control machines within my chip for 24 hours per day last one month for HK$10,000, which is used by Tsang Chi-ho.
Please someone if you know such family and Tsang Chi-ho, to contact me after seeing the word, and I am a victim not a person working in a brain-controlled space. Anyone who uses my chip directly or indirectly without the consent of me is a serious criminal offense and must be shut down immediately to stop using it or will claim according to the punitive damages that mentioned in my blog before.
2. The perps often lures victims to cooperate with them, using high reward as bait, making use of the victim to do some criminal acts, then never fulfill their promised, used victim to commited crimes as a goods for extortion money. Remember don't be fooled by perps's lies.
3. This week, when I bought a Christmas gift for my family, then a perp also to bought the same value product from the same department store and return the goods on the next day for cash. I do not know why? this situation was not first time, but every time after I bought a gift.
4. The metamorphosis chip controller still within my chip with diabetic patient, made me eye sensitive and felt so tired this week.
5. The metamorphosis chip controller continued within my chip with someone who got neck and eyes irritation,
there are three patients within my chip, so that my skin getting more serious this week.
6. The metamorphosis chip controlller within my chip with a 70-year-old person, make me full face and neck wrinkles,
my appearrence shows as a 70 years old woman.
7. One of metamorphosis chip controller, his name is Leung, and was a legs disable person, he used to within my chip with him also others, intended to break my leg as threats for money.
8. Some TVB older actresses, walking-on actors, and the parents of film stars, DJs, most of them living in nursing homes, they want to hide the fact, pay to chip controller for within their chip with someone who living in the private property, misled the people who in mind control space recognized that they are living in their own flat not in nursing home. I do not understand why they have such psychological worries for living in a nursing home. In nursing home have professional nurses to take care and have people to chatting, you can enjoy your lift. They want to within chip to abuse the victims only to satisfy a little bit of fake vanity, this move not only rude to themselves, but also make their children ashamed.