- 本周星期四晚, 曾志偉, 呂良偉, 錢嘉樂眼部跟蹤一位正在製作珠寶首飾的師傅, 當時是午夜時份. 請各打金工場小心防範.
- 9月份新的CRS名單, 令洗黑錢的明星資金外露, 惶惶不可終日;
- 9月6日零晨時份, 空間中人眼部跟蹤見到有人被綁架. 只是蕓花一現.
- 併芯片的意思是將A同B或更多人的腦芯片放入一部腦控機, 開啟不同的感應掣, 當其中有人有病痛時, 併芯片的其他人也能感應到痛症, 當感應掣關閉後, 痛症即時消失. 據說併芯片可將身體感應, 腦波感應, 眼部跟蹤分開處理. 例如將A同B併芯片同時, 可將A的眼部跟蹤放於C, 將B的眼部跟蹤放於D. 即可將身體不同部位同不同人分開感應.
- 據說, 新城DJ劉婉芬假冒我名在網上推銷藥品, 因我未親身讀到其推銷的文章, 暫不予置評! 如果屬實, 予與強烈讉責, 法律追究!
對於被腦控所引起的一切微波痛症, 並非藥物可醫治, 是科學產品被賤人所利用而造成, 藥物只會令健康變得更差. 我將被腦控所產生的痛症寫出來, 是希望喚起大家對微波痛症的認知. 不要濫藥. 在此澄清, 我個人絕不會在網上推銷任何品牌的藥物, 望讀者小心辨明, 愛惜自己健康為盼!
- 之前我提到, 電子武器可令平時千杯不醉者, 一小杯即醉. 當人一醉, 其意志力和自律性自然偏低, 再加上”有心人” 併芯片, 以影子身份, 利用摩鬼思維肆無忌憚去影響醉者做出一些犯法的事情, 令醉者在神志不清的情況下而觸犯法例. 當知道自已被腦控時, 還是不要飲酒, 時刻保持清醒為好.
- 據說, 網絡上經常有人發佈鬼祟文章, 志在挑撥離間我的社交圈. 當我上網時, 他用電腦指令將其短暫屏蔽. 據說寫文章背後的黑手是曾江, 鄧英敏. 令我覺奇怪的是, 當我在網上發表文章指責當事人後, 一定將網址或文章內容抄送當事人, 並請他們答辯. 而做為名人, 明星, DJ, 為何一而再, 再而三以此卑鄙, 鬼祟的手段, 冒他人名義, 做此嫁禍, 誹謗, 挑撥離間的勾當. 實百思不得其解.
Mind Control News this week (Sept. 3 to 9, 2018)
- On Thursday night, Eric Tsang, Ray Liu, Chin Ka Lok gang stalking a master who is making a piece of jewelry, it was midnight. Please take care for your gold workshop.
2. The new CRS list start on September, for disclosure the oversea accounts, it make some movie stars worry about that money laundering exposed.
3. On the morning of September 6th, someone who eye tracking in the space saw a man being kidnapped. It just a flash in one shot.
4. The meaning for within chips is to put the brain chip of A with B or more people into a brain control machine, and turn-on different sensory keys. When one of them have sickness or pain, other people on the machine can also sense same sickness and pain. When the sensory key is turned off, the pain disappears instantly. It is said that it can separately control the body sensing, brain wave sensing, and eye tracking. For example, if put A and B chips together, the eye tracing of A can be placed in C chip in other machine, and B's eye of cause can put to D for tracing D in difference machine. It can separate different parts of the body to within chip with different person.
- Being told by someone that Metro radio DJ Lau Yuan Fan used my name to promoted drugs online. since I have not read the articles in person, I will not comment for it! If it is true, I will vigorously denounce, and bring to legal sue!
For all the microwave pain caused by brain control, it is not a drug that can be healed. It is caused by the use of scientific products by abnormal perps. The drugs will only make health worse. I wrote out the pain caused by brain control in my blog. It is hoped to arouse everyone's awareness of microwave pain. Do not abuse drugs. Here, I clarify that I will never promote any brand of drugs online, and I hope that readers will be careful to identify the truth and dare.
6. I mentioned before that e-weapons can make you drunk, even a small cup. When people are drunk, their willpower and self-discipline are naturally decrease, when someone who with intention to within the chip with drunker as a shadow ghosts, to manipulate and used bad ideas to influence the drunken people to make some illegal things, so that the drunken people break the law in unconsciousness situation. When you know that you are being mind control, for keeping your thinking clarity, always stay away from alcohol. - Someone told me that the perp sneaky post some articles in internet, used to destroy my social life. When I am online, he uses a computer command to temporarily block it until I log-out. It is said that the black hand behind the article are Tsang Kong, English Tang. When I published an article on the Internet to blame the parties, I must copy the URL or the content of the article to the such parties and ask them to reply if any objection. As a famous people, stars, DJs, why used such behavior to sabotaged me again and again. It made me so doubts about its.