
本周在腦控空間遙控電子武器作孽者:無線臨記, 無線甘草演員, 林盛斌,  新城星期天早上節目的氣功大師.

  1. 16日晨光時份 眼部跟蹤見到一女子在試穿著同我一模一樣款式的衣服, 據說有三級女星刻意穿著同我一樣的衣服後, 做出三級的舉止, 誤導他人以為是我. 以此抹黃我.   此三級女星通常出現於半夜十二時之後.     另有一男子, 於晚上時份穿上同我一樣的睡衣, 做出猥褻行為.腦控賤人為了抹黑我, 可謂是出盡賤招 似乎在不知羞恥地通告全世界他們是以賤業為生.


  1. 2. 變態賤人每天24小時輕頭痛折磨, 睡眠剥奪我和受害者, 其最終目的是消磨其個人意志力, 減低其思考能力, 個人判斷能力和記憶力.


  1. 呼籲被腦控受害者到警署備案, 將你被腦控的經歷詳細記錄, 此舉目前可能未必真正帮到受害者, 但政府可由此作出統計香港被腦控受害者的人數, 給政府增加壓力, 令其盡快解決腦控問題. 你不需要擔心警員會不明白什麼是腦控, 要相信他們對受害者是絕對了解和同情.


  1. 被告知有人假冒我的名,wechat, whatapp 散佈謠言. 當我將自己博客網址發給wechatwhatapp的朋友後, 腦控賤人跟隨用Monita名將另一個網址發出, 以此混淆我的朋友視聽. 在此提醒好友們小心提防, 分辨真假, 如有疑問, 請盡快同本人確認, 以免假冒的網頁被刪除. 以此引起的不便, 敬請原諒!


Mind control news this week (September 10 to 16, 2018)


Mind control space trouble maker this (order to remote control electronic weapon for headache 3-8 degree): TVB temporally job actors, TVB senior actors, Bob Lam, the DJs of Metro-radio Sunday morning show.

  1. On the morning of the 16th, the eyes track saw a woman trying to wear the exactly same style of clothes as me, it is said who was a dirty movie star, pretended to me and shows some dirty behavior, misleading people and confuse someone’s judgement. She usually appears after midnight. Also another man, wearing the same nightgown as me in the evening, makes lewd conducts. The metamorphosis perps used all the cheap tricks to ruin my life and malign an innocent person. But their way seems to inform all the world that They make a living from shame.


  1. The metamorphosis perps remote control electronic harassment to me and victims for mild headaches and sleep deprivation 24 hours a day, their ultimate goal is to kill their personal willpower, reduce their personal ability in think, judgment and memory.


  1. Call on the targeted individual, please go to the police station filing your case, record your experiences of being brain control. This may not really help to the victims at present, but the government can count the number of victims in Hong Kong. Putting more pressure on government to solve brain control problems as soon as possible. You don't need to worry about that police officers will not understand what is brain control. Believe that they have your same experiences, absolute understanding and sympathy for the victims.


  1. It was told by someone who impersonating my name, in wechat, whatapp spread rumors. When I sent my blog URL to friends by “wechat” and “whatapp”, the brain control perp followed the name of “Monita” to send another URL, which used to confuse my friends. Here to remind friends to be careful, distinguish between true and false, if in doubt, please confirm with me as soon as possible before the fake page being deleted. I am so sorry for any Inconvenience caused.
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