
週喪心病狂指使遙控電子武器令人頭痛者: 鄧英敏, 方中信, 吳鎮宇, 吳君如, 吳孟達, 薛家燕等.

  1. 本週變態賤人由星期六下午開始, 持續遙控電子武器令我和受害者3-8級頭痛, 共超過24小時. 其中有部份搞事者是鄧英敏和吳孟達這些在囚更生人仕, 據說他們背後的真正管理者是周星馳; 而吳鎮宇背後的老闆是周潤發; 吳君如背後的老闆是譚泳麟, 方中信背後的老闆是楊受成; 薛家燕背後的老闆是萧若元. 好難想像超級明星竟然輪落至同黑社會勾結, 以殘害無辜市民為生的劊子手


  1. 腦控空間賤人腦控受害者一段長時間後, 打斷受害者的人脈關係, 將其社交關係據為已有, 當受害者知道自己被腦控後, 無力報復.


有受害者被腦控20幾年後, 聽到顱內音, 腦控賤人利用虛假思維, 虛假的眼部跟蹤去誤導他們, 令他們做出錯誤判斷而傷害在空間被腦控的朋友. 之後假意賠償他們十萬元作為回報.

經過以上程序後, 再用各式各樣腦控賤招, 例如因他們的錯誤判斷而令他人膜受損失, 強迫從受害者手中討回十萬元. 有受害者不堪折磨, 被逼付上賠償金. 有些心生不忿, 將被腦控賤人勒索後所剩的賠償金當善款捐贈, 帮助真正有需要的人, 比退回給腦控賤人來得更有意義. 


  1. 920, 變態腦控賤人將我同來經期和懷孕女子三人一起併芯片, 令不知名的懷孕女子子宮出血. 我提出抗議時, 變態腦控賤人聲稱此舉沒問題, 純粹意在整蠱我. 望腦控空間的仁醫們, 為懷孕女子出聲, 伸出醫者父母心之手. 公德無量.


  1. 據講曾志豪父親在腦控空間負責管理一帮長者, 利用長者四出滋擾在空間竊聽的人, 向他們乞錢, 收錢後全沒責任心地將長者同受害者併芯片全天候滋擾. 令很多在工作中, 生活中的受害者受到老人病的滋擾. 實在太缺德了.


  1. 腦控空間長者犯案問題越來越嚴重, 繼將年過古稀的長者同不知情的男受害者併芯片同享性福以影響受害者夫妻生活後, 有些性罪犯更是輪流同受害者併芯片去性騷擾女性. 更賤的是利用受害者身體去找性工作者而令受害者染上性病, 在此提醒受害者需小心提防, 自制自律!


這些在空間以滋擾人為生的部份是明星的父母; 其中大部份用於給他人併芯片眼睛追蹤受害者私隱; 有些是因性騷擾而已變成公公; 有些因為腦控同名同姓者, 令他人死亡而用自己身份去索償, 他們在法律上已死亡, 所以不敢出街; 有些年輕時是賭場收數佬; 有個是早年在夜總會廁所递毛巾, 因明星經常到夜總會登台而認識; 有些是仍在囚的性罪犯, 盜竊犯, 騙保險, 綁架犯等, 所以他們利用自由身的受害者去繼續犯案. 而腦控空間的變態腦控賤人為賺囚犯的錢, 兼陷害被腦控受害者, 利用併芯片, 製造很多在正常情況下, 不合邏輯的風化案發生. 例如好好先生變強姦犯, 大好青年因被腦控而性騷擾女性後, 當芯片被分開而羞愧不能接受自己, 繼而自殺的案件越來越多. 這一切到底是誰之錯? 相信最大的責任是腦控, 一切都是變態腦控賤人, 變態控芯片賤人所造成. 政府為何對此不聞不問, 為底政府在掩飾哪些不可見人的秘密?


  1. 於本週四中午時份, 本人在天后附近找餐廳時, 有一肥胖女子特意行到我身邊, 用其胸部撞我, 令我虛驚一場. 但奇怪的是她將背包放於心口, 按理應是保護自己胸部, 為何會刻意用胸部撞人, 實百思不得其解. 有人解讀, 此肥女是腦殘賤人族的人, 撞我一定是有原因.

Mind control news this week (September 17 to 23, 2018)


This week, as mad as loss of conscience crazy perps (giving order to remoted control electronic weapons for headache): English Tang, Alex Fong, Francis Ng, Sandra Ng, Ng Man-Tat, Nancy Chit etc.


  1. Start from Saturday afternoon, the metamorphosis perps continuous remote control of electronic weapons caused me and the victims have 3-8 degree headache over 24 hours. The trouble makers were the prisoners of English Tang and Ng Man-Tat, as said that the real manager behind them is Stephen Chow; The boss behind Francis Ng is Chow Yun-fat; The boss behind Sandra Ng is Alan Tang; The boss behind Alex Fong is Albert Yeung; The boss behind Nancy Chit is Stephen Shiu. It is hard to imagine that the superstars had turned To collude with the criminal organization, as the executioner to kill the innocent citizens for earn to live.


  1. When the victims under mind control for long-term, the perp know their everything, and used to interrupted the victims’ personal relationship, and made his social relationship as existing. When the victim knew that he was under the mind control, It is too late to fix the relationship, and unable to revenge in that moment.
    As victims experience, After the victims being brain-controlled more than 20 years, when he/she awaking, the brain control perps will used false thinking, false eye tracking to mislead them, and made them have a false judgments to hurt their friends who was under brain-controlled in space. then willing to get the compensate for 100,000 yuan in return.
    After the above procedures, the perps used various cheap tricks to have money back, for example, blame their wrong judgment cause someone loss some benefit, forced to have 100,000 yuan back. some victims cannot afford the torture and forced to full money back. And some of them were donated to charity to help those who really need people, It is more meaningful than returning to the brain control perps.


  1. On September 20th, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who in period and one in pregnant, makes the pregnant woman uterine bleeding. When I objected to the perp, the metamorphosis chip controller claimed that no such matter only my imagination, he just intended to tortured me. Looking for the good doctors in mind control space, to wake-up such pregnant woman with your heart will be appreciate.


  1. It is said that Tsang Chit How’s father is responsible for managing a group of elders in the brain control space. He uses the elders to harass people who are eavesdropping in the space and pays them money. After collecting the money, he will not be taking responsibility for elderly, and pass them to the metamorphosis chip controller to within the chip with victims all the day, used the sickness of the elderly to harassed the innocent people. Such virtue less behavior just the perps.


  1. The problem of crimes committed by the elderly in the brain-controlled space is getting more and more serious. After the elderly within the chip with male victims for sharing the sexual life as elders’ welfare, some sex offenders are taking turns to within the chip with victims, mind control the victims to sexually harass women. Even more embarrassing is mind control the victim's body to find sex workers and cause the victim to contract sexually transmitted diseases, remind to the victims to be careful, self-discipline, don’t fall in the trap.


There are said that part of perps used for nuisance are the parents of the stars; most of them are used to within chip by someone who pay for eye tracking to his targeting person; some of them have become eunuch since sexual harassment; some since used same name victim for fake insurance compensation after victim die, they use their own identity to claim compensation, they are legally dead, so they cannot go out; Some were casinos staffs when they are young; one was handing towels in the nightclub toilets as job in past-time, the stars often have shown in nightclubs to get to know them; Some are in prison for sex offenders, thieves, fraudulent insurance, kidnappers etc., so they use mind control the free-body victim to continue for crime. The metamorphosis chip controller used to get prisoner paid, and then trapped the victim who they want to set-up. Using within chip to create a lot of illogical cases which should not happened under normal circumstances. For example, good husbands become rapists, good young people are sexually harassed women because they are being brain-controlled, and when the chips are separated, they are ashamed to accept themselves and step up suicide. Who’s fault of all this? I believe that the major fraud was brain control, every illegal cases were caused by metamorphosis chip controller. Why the government sat on their hands, what’s the secret that the government want to cover up?


  1.  On Thursday noon, when I was looking for a restaurant near Tin Hau, an obese woman came to me and hit me with her chest, which made me stunned. But the strange thing was that she put her backpack before her heart, I think she use to protect herself. Why use her chest to hit people? It's hard to understand. Some people recognized such fat woman was one of mind control perp, the reason why to hit me was unknown.
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