1. 有人質疑我為何疫情期間不留在家中,仍出外賞花? 我的回答: 我是被腦控的受害者,當腦控機同醫療機連結測試時可證明我不是帶菌者(在沒有帶菌者併芯片的情況下),所以我首要任務是確保自己不被感染,我必須時刻保護自己的心肺功能呼吸系統正常,堅持出外吸收新鮮空氣和曬太陽,做帶氣運動,保持血含氧量在正常水平,以此抗禦病毒入侵。
2. 本週溫哥華時間早上8時,聽到有聲音問 ”ETC,是不是海外圖書館個位?" 我不明所指,因我經常在圖書館,所以想問清楚時,却沒有人回應。我擔心是否有人利用我在圖書館作為定位系統做犯法事情。
3. 近期我飲水經常外溢,原來變態控芯片賤人將我同歪嘴的覆舟口併芯片所引起。而另一發現,當我食菜時,發現菜黏貼在牙齒上,原來當變態控芯片賤人將牙齒琺瑯質受損者同我併芯片食菜時造成,當牙齒琺瑯質受損時,食物會沾上而很難自動脫落。
4. 本週變態控芯片賤人利用流鼻水,咳嗽,頭痛病患同我和受害者併芯片精神虐待,以此作為威脅索取金錢。
5. 在此提醒腦控空間控芯片人,當意圖和企圖併我芯片前,請先閱讀加拿大政府在疫情期間所訂立的法規,併芯片如同現實,人與人之間必須保持2米距離,注意個人衛生,違例者按加拿大法律或香港法律執行。
Mind Control news this week (March 28 to April 2, 2020)
1. When I post some blossom photos in my WeChat, someone ask me why you don’t stay at home? My answer: I was being mind control by brain control machine which can connected to the medical machine, and it can proved that I am a non-bacterial(under no mapping situation), so I only concern is how to protect myself without infected, How to keep my lung function in normal and respiratory system in smooth situations, of course, the nature way is out for fresh air, taking sun bath and jogging to bring up the blood oxygen content, made all above ready to against Covid-19.
Although the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got respiratory sick, joint pain, femur pain, foot pain in turn, I keep out for exercise every day under the 2 meters social distant policy.
As a solitary person under current situation, I have to keep concentrating in prevention as well as a lots of cleaning. On the other hand, I suffered most of microwave symptoms that come from mind control every day, 24 hours V2K harassment, I feel exhausted every day. So I have to relax and relief myself, I don’t want to bother my fiends and increasing the burden of social medial system. So I out for Cherry blossoms and taking photos, post the photos as positive energy to influence the infected patients and being mind control victims, be strong and be happy, we are support to each other in such rough moments.
2. This week, I heard that someone said “ETC, is the person who in the library”, since I stay in library frequently, so I ask for detail, but not one give me a answer, I worry about may someone used me as GPS to make crime.
3. The metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got wry-big-mouth, caused me spillover when drinking. Also mapping me with someone who loss the enamel of his teeth for dinning, caused the vegetables leaf stick in my teeth, it is so disgusting and horrible.
4. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping someone who got gastrointestinal upset, run nose, cough, headaches in turn with me and victims for harassment, also used for threatens money.
Warn to the threatener, The Covid-19 is attached to the condition of “Biochemical weapons”, anyone threatens to spread the virus, or use the virus as a weapon to attack being brain control victims, all constitute a terrorist threat. Severe people can be sentenced to death in China.
5. Warn to the all chip controllers in mind control space, according to law enforcement of Canadian government, every body should keep social distant in 2 meters, wash your hands regularly and maintain personal hygiene. So please stop mapping, keeping distant when stalking, ask your perps to maintain personal hygiene, your perps were too dirty in every time.