1. 腦控空間每把電子武器都有它不同的功能,而擁有者都必須登記,以便追究法律責任。據說有賤人為了逃避法律責任,將其中一把攻擊頭部的電子武器,以我的名義登記超過十年,令我蒙上不白之冤。望腦控空間管理者正視電子武器被冒名,濫用的嚴重性,對因此對本人所造成的傷害,保留法律追訴權。
2. 本週當我戴口罩時,變態控芯片賤人將呼吸道有問題者,流鼻涕者同的併芯片精神虐待,令我沒辦法戴口罩,好在街上無人,否則真不敢上街。
此令我想到冠狀病毒測試的方式都離不開,深喉唾液測試,鼻咽樣本測試,量體溫。但對於被腦控受害者,此方法是否可行?近期經常有鼻塞,流鼻水,痰塞者同我併芯片,所採樣本到底是我的還是併芯片者? 被腦控受害者的體溫大部份都受電子武器操控,所以量體溫是否一個有效的方法? 作為一位被腦控受害者的我,剩下的只是擔憂。。。
3. 近期有一天,當所有芯片分開後,我的體重又下跌至36公斤。自問我每天兩餐飲食正常,平常很注重養生,為何體重會不停下跌?原來變態控芯片賤人長期將帮餓鬼同我併芯片一起飲食,吸收我所食的大部分營養,而其中固定同我併芯片的女子體重不斷上昇,當同我併芯片時的體重是60公斤,所以當我體重下跌時,她的體重上昇,總體重保持不變。當體重維持不變時,平常人都不以為意是合併芯片所引起,當有朝一日,芯片分開後,你見到的自己只剩皮包骨,皮膚鬆弛下垂,慘不忍睹。
在此再次提醒被腦控受害者,腦控賤人此舉是想在不知不覺的情況下,將受害者變成病懨懨的樣子,再將其同癌症病患者併芯片做測試後,向外宣佈死於癌症。多毒的殺人於無形招數。 大家要自強不息,小心防範!
4. 本週當我染髮時,頭皮敏感,痕癢難當,因我用的是韓國牌子,中藥研製,我已用超過十年,從未試過敏感,在百思不得其解之際,被告知原來變態控芯片賤人將我同另一位正在染髮而引起頭皮敏感者併芯片,令我有相同的感覺。 另一方面,有時無論我如何天天洗髮,頭髮感覺仍是很油膩,原來是同長期不洗頭,頭皮油脂分泌失調者併芯片而引起,同樣原理,當同有頭皮屑者併芯片,你也會有頭皮屑。當將直髮同曲髪併芯片,直髪者很難將直髮梳順。所以當變態控芯片賤人將我同不同髪型併芯片時,我唯有選擇戴帽子。
5. 在此再次提醒被腦控的受害者,過馬路時要小心,變態控芯片賤人會在十字路口整盎你,令你思想混淆致紅燈時有衝動過馬路,綠燈時會呆滯地原地不動。安全第一,大家小心。
Mind Control space News this week (April 11 to 17, 2020)
1. There is a policy in mind control space, anyone who got a remote electronic microwave weapons shall register in person for law responsibility. But someone who registered a weapon which can cause headache used my name without my consent over 10 years, I being a targeted individual over 10 years, suffered over 10 years electronic harassment, and now you told me that someone who used my name got a electronic weapon, what the hell you doing? Who in charge of electronic weapon management? I urge you to clarify all your negligence, and will preserve my right for legal prosecution.
2. This week, I wearing a mask when out since Covid-19 pandemic, but the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with the perps who got respiratory disease, and run nose in turn, it was no way for me to wearing the mask in long-time.
Since above, I queried the effective that we used to confirmed cases of Covid-19, most of ways will use deep throat saliva test, nasopharyngeal saliva test, and checking body temperature, if mapping someone who got disease without our know, are there really can confirmed the cases, I am a targeted individual, always being mapping with the patients of difference microwave symptoms, when get a test, how can I know which sample they got? Also as known, the remote electric weapon can causing human body heat or cold by remote control, all above give me a question mark? all above just increasing our victims’ nervous and anxiety, I am so worry about how can our victims’ do a test that under chips separated.
3. Few days ago, when all the chip leave me alone, I checked my weight was drop to 36 kgs, what’s happen, I have two meal a day with nutritional balance, why my weight still drop down? until someone told me, that the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with few hungry perps who may in prison, so they absorb all my nutritions, special a female who mapping me in long-time total 60kgs, when my weight drop down, her weight was going up, so when I mapping her the weight unchanged, keeping in 60 kgs. So if someone who being mapping without self wakeness, they will deem it was remand uncharge, when the chips separated, you can see a skinny sick person with sagging skin, then mapping you with someone who got a cancer for test confirm. The perp use to misleading people that you are dead for cancer, not matter others. It is a poisonous tricks which perp use to kill people invisibly.
4. This week, when I colour my hair by myself, I got allergy in head skin, why? I used same brand over 10 years, and never got allergy, the hair dye was produced by Chinese medicine, it was impossible for allergy. until someone told me that the woman who mapping me also doing colour at same time, she used the hair dye caused me have a same effect. OMG!
And the other hand, may you have a same experience that your hair felt oily but you just shampoo, or you got dandruff that you never got before, all above based on same principle, mapping with person who got disorder of scalp oil secretion. Also when you mapping someone who have different hair styles with you, you can not do hair styles what you want, only can do is wear a hat to cover.
5. Warning again to the targeted individual, beware to crossing the road, the mind control perp can control you crossing the road when red light on, manipulate nonsense to stop when light turn green.