


1. 本週,變態控機賤人持續遙控電子武器令我輕度頭痛,同時將呼吸困難,鼻塞,鼻水倒流,痰塞者同我併芯片,令我沒辦法呼吸,非常辛苦;






2. 於5月1日至2日,變態控機賤人用微波影像技術,將多位智障人士投影於我家中,我問原因時,有人答我,他們是用於智障考生思維,同時誤道他人以為智障人士是為我所用。大部分被智障的考生都是被腦控愛害者。


3. 提醒自駕的被腦控受害者,小心檢測車輛後再出發。有變態賤人經常刺破受害者的輪軚,調鬆腳掣,調鬆軚盤,造成很多交通意外,因不知道是處於何國家,所以只能呼籲大家盡量小心!




Mind Control News this week (May 2 to 8, 2020)


This week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic harassment for headache, at the same time, mapping me with some people who got hard breathing, Stuffy nose, postnasal drip and throat filed with phlegm in turn, caused me have a same effect, I felt difficulty in breathing, and can not wear a mask in long time.


At the same time in Hong Kong, there are 22 students have rejected by DSE examinations since fever and Acute respiratory tract infection, now you know what happened, all being mapping caused, all fake infection. Why the creepy do that to students, they are all innocents?


At the same time in Vancouver, most of the Chinese were rejected by supermarket since slight fever. The fever was caused by electronic energy weapon, it can turn the body temperature what you want through remote control. So checking body temperature is not the available way to confirm the infection. 


2. This week, the mind control machine controller projected few metal disorder persons seating in my home, when I ask why? Someone said that the controller used the metal disorder persons to mapping with students whom are taking examination, used to set them up and misled observers the metal disorder people were work for me. Sick perps!


3. Warn to drivers whom being mind control, please check your car carefully before get go, there are some group stalkers taking action for broke your tires, loosen the screw of brake, broke your wheel, I don’t know the nation of perps, only can remind here to all of you for safe drive.


4. At 3:00 am of May 8, 2020, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic harassed my nose, my felt like machine washing my nose, non stop running nose and sneeze under attacked for 2 hours long. creepy perps. 

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