


1. 變態控機賤人每天將最少三人同我併身體,然後再將此三人幾何式併開去。此舉令加拿大控機人感到太不人道,腦控機指明不可併身體,而香港變態控機賤人居然一次併三人,而且是身型,體重相差很大的人,以此虐待被腦控受害者,其行為受世界唾駡。最後令人以為中國人沒有文化和修養。大家不明白的是此帮變態控機人不停令中國人蒙羞,而仍有人用他們?而用他們的正是中國香港人,為什麼?


2. 加拿大黑人因用假錢被捕時壓頸造成死亡事件被傳媒渲染成種族主義,令警長下跪而平息。而香港的現職警司聯同離職警司卻在腦控空間遙控電子武器摧殘無辜受害者。到底天理何在?為何全世界都變成本末倒置?


3. 香港由反蒙面法到暴動,世界疫情大流行到全民戴口罩,很明顯是執法者為掩飾因腦控造成的人命死亡,商家要發藥業財,賺口罩錢,黑社會可光明正大地蒙面去犯案。明顯地是政府,商家,盜賊互相勾結,壟斷世界的政治,經濟和罪惡。再加上傳媒的假新聞,顛倒是非黑白,試問我們現時正處於何種環境? 經此一疫,相信大家很清楚了解腦控的權力是掌控於何人之手。


Mind Control news this week (June 6 to 12, 2020)


1. The metamorphosis controller mapping me with three perps everyday, and then used three perps mapping more as sparkle style to increasing. As the Canadian controller said, he never saw mapping three people in same time before, as the instruction of mind control machine, mapping is prohibited, and Hong Kong’s controller mapping over 3 persons were inhumane and urgely condemned.


The metamorphosis controller not only mapping three perps, also tortured victims by mapping with some persons who shorter, over weight, there was seriously harm to victims’ health. The metamorphosis controller’s behaviours were scolded by the world. Why caused such shame? Shame on Chinese, make people though that the Chinese so stupid without education, or lack human being since they are poor in self cultivation.  they harassed to the Chinese, force Chinese left  their own country, left their own family.  Why the Hong Kong people still used them as killer to harm Chinese all over the world? And the Hong Kong government known but turn a  blind eye. why?


2. This week all news talking about George Floyd case, such case rising to racial discrimination, force the officer kneeled down to peaceful. I don’t understand why a criminal for used fake currency becoming a hero? Not matter white, black or yellow, but criminal. 


And we can see at Hong Kong, the police officer together with resigned officer in mind control space, used remote electronic harassment to the innocents. Why the policemen becoming evil? what is wrong? Why the world was turned upside down?


3. Review Hong Kong, from prohibition on Face Covering regulation to riots, then the Covid-19 to people all cover a mask. Obviously it was a game, used to cover the large numbers of people dead caused my mind control. All about were open the door to the merchants for making money from medical equipment and masks, convenience to the underworld can justly mask to commit crimes. 


It was very clear which government, merchants and bandits collude together to monopolizing world politics, economy and criminal cases. Also used the media to making fake news, turned the world upside down, would you tell me what situation we are stand for? 


After all above, I believed everyone knows clearly who was the powerful one to taking control in brain control technology.

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