1. 1月13日16:00時開始,新城財經台香樹輝,香港電台王耀祖聯同林家棟班底的腦殘賤人族持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛至隔日早上8:00, 共16小時,同時遙控電子武器攻擊我腿部穴位,令我雙腿痠痛,沒法入睡。我已於17:00時向警方報案,報案編號ERC210113200258
2. 自從我知道自己被腦控開始,我的樣貌每天都在被微調中起變化,經過十年時間,已完全找不到自己原來的樣貌,也不知道我現時的樣貌是誰人所有?我相信腦控賤人此舉其中必有詐,雖然說換樣不換腦,換腦不換樣,但當每天照鏡子時見到陌生人的面孔,是多麼的可怕,何況還是比自己原樣醜陋的面孔。個人的樣貌都是父母所賜,為何要剥奪的權利,我強烈要求還我真面貌。
Mind Control Space News this week (January 8 to 14, 2021)
1. Starting from 16:00 on January 13th, Hong ShiFei from Metro Finance, Joe Wong from Hong Kong Radio and Gordon Lam’s moron stalker continued to remote control electronic weapons caused me headaches until 8:00 the next morning, totally tortured over 16 hours. At the same time, used DEW attacked acupuncture points on my legs, making my legs sore and unable fall asleep. I have reported the crime to the police at 17:00 of 13th, The reference number is ERC2101132002587.
2. Since I self awaked from mind control, my appearance was fine-adjustment every day. After ten years, I can't find my original appearance at all, and I don't know my current outlook who belong to? I believed that the metamorphosis mind controller must got some evil intention in this move. Although it is said that change looking will not change your mind, change your mind will keep your own look, but when I look a stranger in the mirror every day, how terrible it is. My appearance is heritage from my parents, How can the mind controller took my own rights? I strongly demand I want my own appearance back