1. 變態控機賤人利用身體健康的受害人同病患併五感後接駁醫療機,用病患者作為主體,令健康者的醫療報告呈現很多疾病,令健康者在不知道的情況下長期用藥。變態控機賤人此舉是令健康者腦殘以便於控制。給予健康者的藥物大部分副作用如下:
A. 降血糖藥-用於糖尿病患者。如健康者服用後會令脾氣變差,不能正常同身邊人溝通,產生社交障礙;
B. 降膽固醇藥-健康者用後會記憶變差;
C. 降血壓藥-將多人輪流同健康者併五感,令健康者血壓不穩定和偏高而服藥,此舉會令健康者腦缺氧而記憶衰退;
2. 目前香港最嚴重問題是腦部被綁架的問題,綁架有錢人腦部,離間其同子女的關係,令有錢人的資產任其擺佈;
3. 全世界發起關注警務人員精神健康運動,很多公務員因為被腦控導致嚴重心理壓力,長期失眠,以至飲酒過量產生幻覺而走上自殺不歸之路。此運動為喚醒世人,腦控己到您眼前,請及早清醒勇敢地站起來去抗衡。
Mind Control space news this week (January 29 to February 04, 2021)
1. The metamorphosis mind controller use healthy victims to mapping the five senses with the patients and then connected to the medical device, using the patient as the main body, body check shows the healthy victim got many type of diseases, according to doctor’s prescription, the healthy person will take a lots of medicine in long-term without knowing it only microwave symptoms. The metamorphosis mind controller taking this act to weaken the brain to the health person for easy control. Most of the side effects of drugs given to healthy people are as follows:
A. Hypoglycemic - use for the patient of diabetes, but use to healthy person will caused temper worse, unable communicate with people around them, got social barriers;
B. Statins - making healthy person’s memory worse;
C. Anti-hypertensive - the mind controller mapping the healthy person in turn with difference degree blood pressure patients, caused the healthy person unusual blood fluctuation, and then taking the anti-hypertensive. This will cause cerebral hypoxia to healthy person and declining the healthy person’s memory;
As a family member of a healthy person, I can't do anything to stop it. Because the brain of healthy person was being kidnapped by the patient, he is deeply thought that he got the symptoms in physical, not microwave, and unable to accept the advice to stop medication.
2. Presently, the most serious problem is brain kidnapping in Hong Kong. Kidnapping the brains of the rich men, caused the conflict to their children, isolate the rich men for the perp individual control;
Mapping the kidnapping the brain of the only child for a long time, intentional force traffic accident to murder their parents, kidnapping the only child’s brain, and transfer out all the inheritance without the only child consent;
Mapping and kidnapping the brain of professionals without their consent, disable their professional knowledge, which destroying their career.
For all of the above, I give a suggestion that the targeted individuals should self-awareness and making appropriate arrangements for yourselves as soon as possible to prevent the property loss to the perps whom have been tortured you and ruin your life.
3. The world have urged to pay attention to the mental health of police officers. Many civil servants have being mind controlled, it caused several microwave symptoms and psychological stress, long-term sleeping deprivation, and even got hallucinations and blamed by alcoholic, finally commit suicide. This warning is to awaken the world, the mind control have approach you. Please stand up and bravely fighting it back as soon as you can.