1. 15日中午開始,變態控機賤人遙控電子武器令我胃脹和胃痛,至午夜,電子武器推殘加劇,將我同胃潰瘍者併胃部,令我胃痛,嘔吐,但奇怪的是我的嘔吐物非我所食的食物,甚至帶有血。據說是來自胃潰瘍者所食的食物,我不明其中的原理,但證明了我之前所寫的我食的食物不在我的胃的事實。
16日,變態控機賤人持續遙控電子武器令我3-7級頭痛;攻擊我腿部穴位,令我腿部酸軟難忍,沒法入睡;間歇性激腸和激胃,持續至午夜。我已於早上向警方報案,但有如石沉大海。報案編號: Ref#ERC2102162009860.
有傳說,在腦控空間大部分名人和富豪都是複製人,因為複製時技術出錯,需要長期依靠醫療界提供血液維持生命,所以需長期同醫療界合作. 有一些不願意出錢買血,利用腦控技術接駁醫療機,在受害者不知情的情況下吸受害者血,然後以貢獻病患作為向醫療機構的回報。以上一切是否屬實?只要熟悉腦控技術的人能給答案。另一說法,是富豪在後面操控複製人,以逃避法律責任,此說法可信性較高。讀者們,您們有何見解?
2. 變態控機賤人每晚約22:00-24:00時,遙控電子武器令我頭痛和昏睡,零晨約一時喚醒,睡眠剥奪至早上八時。在我昏睡期間,賤人將一位食燉品的女子影像投射於我家中平時餐食的位置,誤導他人。至於食何燉品?有說是猪心,有說是人心,到底搞事者是何動機?賊贓嫁禍?不得而知。
3. 眼部跟蹤突然見到有不知名賤人·盜用我的相頭和姓名加入他人社交網絡”朋友圈”,大放厥詞,其目的是分化我同親人,朋友的關係,望各方親朋好友小心核對身分,以免受騙。
Mind Control Space News this week (Feb 13 to 1, 2021)
1. Starting at noon on the 15th, the metamorphosis mind controller remote controlled electronic weapons caused me for stomach bloating and pain. At midnight, the electronic harassment being worse, also mapping me with someone who got stomach ulcer, It caused me stomach pain and vomiting. but the odd thing was my vomited out stub not my eta before, and even contains blood. I guess, it was comes from the patient who got stomach ulcer. I don't understand how the function of mind control machine, but it proves the fact that I said before, the food I eta was not in my stomach.
On the 16th, the metamorphosis mind controller continued to remotely control electronic weapons and caused me headaches in 3-7 degree; attacked my acupuncture points on my legs made my legs sore and unbearable, unable to fall asleep; intermittent stimulated my stomach until midnight.
I have reported the crime to the police in the next morning, but the police keep silence. Report number: Ref#ERC2102162009860.
The metamorphosis mind controller cooperated with local doctors, by using electronic weapons caused the victims got microwave symptoms for clinical treatment, then return the commission to the brain-controlled group to support the perps who had run away outside of Hong Kong.
As I said before, most of victims got microwave eye disease, the number of consultations for ophthalmology increased by 30% compared to usual. This week, the victims got stomach pain were significantly. I believe that the gastroenterologist will have a lot of business.
Also the headaches of torturing occur every day to increase the number of fake covid-19 confirmed cases. Fortunately, during the Chinese New Year, everyone was away from doctors for luck, and the metamorphosis mind controller may taking less advantage than before.
As said,most of rich and famous people in the mind controlled space will deem as clones, since the technical errors during copying, they had to rely on blood provider to maintain their own life. Some clones no willing to buy blood, they used the mind control technology connect to medical machine to mapping the victims for blood without the victims consent, then supply microwave patients to medical companies as return. is it true? I don’t know, only the mind machine operators can give a answer. Another said was that the rich and famous people manipulated the clones in order to avoid taking legal responsibility. What do you think? Use your science knowledge.
2. At every night around 22:00-24:00, the metamorphosis mind controller remote control electronic weapon caused me headache and lethargic, wake up at early morning, sleep deprivation until 8am. During my sleeping, the mind controller projected an image of a woman who eating some food in stew at my home, sitting on my chair as my usual meals position, used to misleading someone that the woman is me. What’s the stew content? someone said it was a pig's heart, some said it was a human heart. OMG! Can you imaged? what is the intention of the troublemaker? I don’t know where is the woman come from, but she was really scared me.
3. Eye tracking suddenly saw an unknown screen. Someone fake me and used my picture joint “friends” in social network, snide comments against my friends, the purpose was clearly for ruined my relationship with my relatives and friends.
Warn to my relatives and friends, when you joint social network, be carefully use check to conform to avoid fraud.