

1. 上週提到有人冒用我的名字在社交網絡大放厥詞,原來是腦控狗的陰謀,有人形容事件如”有人每天殺害4000隻狗,將其中一隻狗的骨頭拋出去,令其它狗爭食,自相殘殺”。現實生活中,此條狗骨就是一百萬港元,有人利用我的名譽去爭奪一百萬,因為此錢是殘害我和受害者精神健康其中的一部分,明知我是不屑一顧,最後都是落入劊子手手上,或者腦控狗要利用的人手中. 但據曾經得益者資料所得,就算得到一條狗骨,利用完後,腦控狗都會從得益者身上取回一條人骨。故此再次提醒大家不要上當受騙,需知腦控狗是以擄人勒索,詐取受害者金錢為生,絕不可能付出。此是腦控狗詐騙的一種手法,望大家小心提防為盼!


2. 近期全世界反腦控勢力已令腦控狗開始擔憂,因為時與勢都站在我們反腦控一邊。故此大家要提防腦控狗搞分裂。我個人認為任他們去搞,我們當是一場淘汰戰,將潛藏在反腦控組織內的內鬼,弱者找出來,未來反腦控勢力將更加團結。


3. 腦控空間有一傳說,周星馳將70億貸與七人,每人十億,但他們覺得70億並非周星馳應得,所以一直未歸還。近期現任政府利用權力,向七人每人取回一億,其中一人不肯還,只收回六億。




經過假冒蔡昭墨仲裁取得一億後, 有心人安排了蔡昭雯,蔡超勵等五位名字同我相似的人排隊申請仲裁。據說為確認身分,法庭安排人民入境事務處職員即場核對身份,而警方同時也提供一組屬於我的指紋以作核對,為什麼是我的指紋???我開始感到私隱和安全受到威脅。


星期三(24日)一場,因申請人得知要核對身分而缺席,仲裁取消。有人問我,我的名字同以上人員相同,警方又提供我的指紋作為核對,為何不直接通知我出庭? 我也感到莫名其妙,我未接到任何出庭的通知和資訊。問題是為何明知蔡昭墨是假,警方不拘捕她,又不追回錯判的金錢? 答案是所有一切都是腦控集團所安排,腦控集團想將6億據為己有。





1. As my mentioned last week that someone use my name and picture to run on social networks. It turned out to be a stalker. Some people described this incident as “The perps killed 4,000 dogs every day and threw out one of the bones to make others dogs fight for and kill each other." In real life, this dog bone is one million Hong Kong dollars. Some people use my reputation and headache to fight for one million, because this money is part of the mental health of me and the victims. As you knowing that I despised it. End up the money will prey by the perps whose executed the electronic harassment, or the person whom the brain-controlled group wants to use for, according to the record of the beneficiary, even someone got a dog bone, after everything done which they want you to do, the metamorphosis mind controller will taken out your own human bone back. Therefore, I once again remind everyone to make sure whatever you got from perps’ money not dirty money. As our known that the perps were used kidnapping and extorting the victim’s money for living, they are impossible to pay. So be careful, don’t step to the trap that they set you up.


2. Recently, the anti-brain-control forces around the world have taking effect, the mind control group started to worry about. As you can see that the pubic opinion and the trend are on our side. Therefore, everyone must beware of the brain-controlled dog using division to separate our power. I personally think that we should treat it as an elimination movement. We can use to eliminate the inner ghosts who hidden in the anti-brain control organization, made the anti-brain control forces more and more united in the future.


3. As said,  Stephen Chow loaned 7 billion to seven people, each got 1 billion over ten years ago, and not return since they insisted that 7 billion was not belong to Stephen Chow. Recently, the government used its power to withdraw 100 million from each of the seven people. One of them refused to paid it back and only recovered 600 million.


After arbitration, 100 million compensation was paid to Choi Chiu Mok. Who knows that the Choi Chiu Mok was dead before and someone was stolen her ID card and bank account. The thief used her ID card to attend the arbitration, used her ID card to open account for buy and sell stocks, and even bank funds transaction, all through without doubt.  


Now what do you think? How’s our government's management structure about law enforcement, judicial, and financial system? As a citizens in Hong Kong, do you trust the government said that they can give a protection to our wealth, life and property?


After passing the fake Choi Chiu Mok arbitration to obtain 100 million yuan, the main power of mind control group arranged Choi Chiu Man, Choi Chiu Lai (who English name same as my) and other five people whose got similar names with me to apply for arbitrations. 


After Choi Chiu Mok’s wrong judgment case, in order to confirm the identity, the court arranged the staff of the Immigration Department to verify the identity on the spot, and the police also provided a set of fingerprints belonging to me for verification, what??? Why use my fingerprint? ? ? I start felt panic that my privacy and personal safety were being threatened.


On Wednesday (24th), the arbitration was cancelled because the applicant was absent, we guess who may learned that need to verify her identity. Someone asked me why the police provided my fingerprints as a verification? Why they did not direct to inform me to appear in court? I am also confused at all. I have not received any notice or information that ask to attend in court, I don’t know what’s happened? one the other hand, If they noted it was a wrong judgement case, why they not arrest the fake one and tracing the money back? As said the mind control group need the money at all, and used the fake people with same name to taking the money as planned.


How’s the story develop in the future, I will keep to report as I learn.

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