腦控空間本週新聞 (2021-02-26至2021-03-04)


1. 中國於2021年3月1日生效的25項法律修改,其中冒名頂替他人身份,非法基因編輯,植入人類基因,克隆胚胎列入刑事罪行,證明國家法律已正視到確保市民身分驗證的重要性。


2. 除了之前提及偷他人身分證,假冒他人身分後,目前有另一嚴重問題是,腦部被掉換的問題。當一個人腦袋完全被掉換後,比假冒身分更可怕。換腦不換身體,即除了性格行為改變外,其身體,指紋,DNA完全不變。試想想,假如一位正人君子同一位江湖大盗換腦,江湖大盜的腦指揮正人君子做犯法的事,然後所有法律責任由正人君子承擔是多可怕的事情。所以政府正在密鑼緊鼓,以腦特征碼作為未來身份鑑定的方法。


3. 基於目前被腦控情況嚴重,當被換腦時,如何妥善保管自己財產有不同見解,特別是股民,很多人認為股票存放於中央交易結算中心最方便和安全,我個人另有見解如下;


A) 由相熟證券經紀下盤比自已電腦操控更安全。當你失控下盤時,證券經紀會提醒你;當有人假冒你身份時,多個人確認你的身分。而電腦操作容易被遙控指令操控,當你是主要被腦控目標時,你的上網速度會受到影響而導致延遲或沒法完成交易。






4. 中外很多人認為,今次疫情是一個大陰謀,令人與人之間少接觸,利用不同的軟件跟蹤市民,最終目的是利用腦控技術暗中將機械人,複製人取代人類。建議大家多同朋友聯絡和溝通,小心確認身分,需知腦控技術可以假冒人的樣貌和聲線。


5. 家父因之前輕度中風後,懷疑身分被囚犯所掉換,經過同家父作親子鑑定後,證明只是間歇性換腦,而非換身體,算是不幸中之大幸。而政府也即時採取行動,到監獄查嫌疑人DNA,證明身分無誤。只可惜仍未摆脱腦控的糾纏,經常疑神疑鬼,將微波痛症以為自己有病,被腦控致不停食藥。

Mind Control Space News this week (February 26 to March 4, 2021)


1. China’s 25 legal amendments that taking effect on March 1, 2021, including impersonating others, illegal gene editing, implanting human genes, and cloning embryos are all criminal offences, this information told me that China government have already facing the seriously problems about the citizens identification.


2. Last week, I wrote about stole of someone’s identity card for making money, this week rising another serious problem is lost your own brain. When a person's brain was completely replaced, it is more terrifying than a fake identity. Lost the mind without body means that your character, behaviour and personality were being changed, but the body, fingerprints, and DNA are completely unchanged.  think about it, if a gangster replaces his mind to gentleman,  directs the gentleman use his own body to commit crimes, then the DNA and fingerprint all belong to gentleman, who will going to Jail? Of cause was gentlemen. Therefore, the government is working on to use brain signatures barcode as a identification in the future.


3. Based on the current serious situation of mind control, there are different opinions on how to properly keep your property when the brain being hacked, especially for stockholders. Many people though that the stocks stored in the CCASS was the most convenient and safe. My opinion as follows:


A) Place order through securities broker is safer than making computer transaction, the stock broker will remind you when you lost your mind, confirm your identity. The computer operations are easily being controlled by remote commands, when you are the main target, your Internet speed will got slower and you will not be able to complete the transaction at real time. 


B) How to properly keep your stock notes, my way is transfer the notes to my own name, and then put to deposit box in the bank. When your ID being stole or lost you mind, the staffs of securities company and bank will give you remind and confirm your ID carefully. As you know, the CCASS which is convenient for yourself, but also the thieves, all transitions only one computer commend.  


I have a suggestion that the targeted individual should choose long-term investment, invest in stable high-yield stocks, and put your stock notes to the bank safe deposit box after your name issued, it is safer way to earn interest for live. Although it is not the best way, but there are only we can do to avoid our own property lost after lost our minds. 


4. Many people both in local and abroad believe that this epidemic were lies and conspiracy. they force people not contact and communication with each others,  force citizens to use different softwares for tracking. The ultimate goal is to use brain control technology to secretly replace humans with robots and clones. 

So please keep in touch with your friends, don’t hesitated to confirm the identity for each other. You should know that brain control technology can deep fake a person's appearance and voices.


5. I worry about my father was being replaced by a prisoner after suffered mild CVA. After done a paternity test which confirmed he is my biological father, just temporarily lost his mind, not his body. The government also took immediate action to check the suspect’s DNA to confirm the prisoner’s identity. 

But my father still can not escape mind control, still suffering microwave symptoms, and can not refuse to taking medication which the symptoms not belong to him.

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