
1. 很多被腦控受害者經常有胃脹的經驗,包括我自己在內。原因是變態控機賤人將多人的胃合併,令到受害者胃部特出,如果合併者是滿胃,感覺是胃脹,胃重,消化不良,長期如此,會造成受害者胃下垂。




2. 有消息透露,各國政府利用此次疫情期間,海陸空交通全停的時機,進行雷達測試,研究策略對應腦控科技所造成的人為自然災難 (即控機賤人聲稱他們可以呼風喚雨的科技)。換句話說,各國政府正秘密研究各種防禦措施,對付腦控機所作出的各種攻擊,包括微波攻擊。




3. 本週變態控機賤人仍然下午三時半後遙控電子武器令人頭痛,疲倦,昏昏欲睡,據說目標是股票投資者。


另一方面,味覺控制,令我食而無味; 嗅覺控制,令我聞到不屬於我的味道;但奇怪的是仍將賤人輪流同我併口飲食。


更下流的是大小便控制,日間在家不急小便,出外時便意頻繁; 晚間睡眠時間頻繁喚醒去廁所,令人不勝其煩。賤人此招意在令受害者腎衰竭和睡眠剥奪;







Mind Control News this week (April 17 to 23, 2021)


1. Most of Targeted Individual have experience about stomachache as well as me. when the metamorphosis mind controller mapping my stomach with many people, It caused my stomachs protruding. If the mapping people have full stomachs, I will felt stomachache, stomach heavy, and indigestion. Long term mapping will cause the symptoms of grstaoptosis and Acid reflux


My prevention method is to using a waist seal to hold it. When you feel heavy stomach, sit down as soon as possible, don’t stand up for a long time.


2. As said, during the Covid-19, most of the countries in the world taking such advantage of the time when sea, land and air traffic were completely stopped, used to conducted radar tests and research, making strategies to against climate change caused by brain-controlled technology (such as nature disasters interference). That means, the governments of various countries are secretly studying various defensive plans to deal with various attacks made by brain-controlled machines, of cause including microwave attacks.


It is exciting news,  I believed that we have longing for the freedom of thought just around the corner.


3. This week, the metamorphosis mind controller still remote control electronic weapons after 15:30 for headache, caused me felt so tired, and fell asleep.  As said I am not only target, but stock investors.


On the other hand, they control my taste, caused me tasteless; manipulated my smell made me smell something that does not belong to me; the disgusting thing was mapping the perps with me take turns for eating and drinking, even I drank water.


Even more nasty were urine and bowel control, control less 2-3 times for toilet during the day time at home, but when you go out, the controller turn it on, you will felt need for piss all the time; During 7 hours sleeping time at night, so annoying to wake me up 2-3 times for toilet. The perp used this cheap trick to caused victims got kidney failure and sleeping deprivation.


The more dirty were mapping me with many perps female and male every day, caused my body so heavy and can not afforded to move. Even mapping me when I taking shower and going to the toilet for sexual harassment. When I going to toilet, the metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with his mother who got vaginitis, used to embarrassing and blaming me. The controller claim that were non-touch, but the stalkers can felt my every movement, touch everything which I touched.


Summarizing the above, I believed that everyone has a certain degree of understanding about the personality of mind controllers,  poorly weak in his morality sense, and must come from the cheap education family background.

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