1) 根據人民入境事務處資料,近期有一位年約30嵗女子,到人民入境事務處辦理更改名稱手續,而更改的新名字中英文名同我一樣,此事相信並非巧合,相信有人正在計劃冒名頂替的陰謀。再次呼籲各方親朋好友,如有任何交收和重要事情往來,要小心求證身分,以防受騙。
2) 被告知上周有人”將污水濺到我身上”,意即”栽贓”,據說事情很嚴重,當我用電腦寫反腦控文章時,有腦控狗將自己影像同我合併,同時在他的電腦寫作,但寫的是害人的文字,併載於網上而引來殺身之禍,因同我併影像而誤導空間觀察者。腦控狗經常用此招陷害被腦控受客者。望空間執法者小心判斷,以免殺錯良民。需知在腦控空間的所謂觀察者都是腦機賤人所僱用的狗。
3) 據空間人員向特首報告,有很多人失蹤,不知是生是死,有些被微波人替代(即微波易容術將跟蹤者易容成失蹤者),有些大人物被換成複製人,這些微波人和複製人大部分都被操控於空間,扮演失蹤者的身份,做傷天害理的事,破壞失蹤者聲譽,令失蹤者生前一直堅持守正的高尚人格,盪然無存;有些假扮失蹤者身分,掠奪失蹤者家族財產,離間其親子關係,更甚者將其身邊親人失蹤,令到社會中人心惶惶。
故此特首下令以換身份證查核失蹤人口,但至今仍未交出失蹤人口名單,據說是有難度。有些換新身分證後才被失蹤; 而控機賤人是微波人的製造者,更加沒有可能提供失蹤人口資訊。大家盡量小心謹慎保護自己,特別是位高權重者,富貴者,你們是賤人的主要目標。
Mind Control Space news this week (May 1 to 7, 2021)
1) According to the information of the Immigration Department, a around 30 years old girl went to the Immigration Department for changing her name recently. The new name was same as mine in both Chinese and English . I believed that was not a coincidence, but a conspiracy that was working on.
Once again, I warn to all my relatives and friends, for any important matters, must be careful to verify the identity to prevent being deceived.
2) As told, someone shift the blame on me last week. and such matter was very serious. As said When I used the computer to write anti-brain-control articles, a perp mapping me with his images, and writes injurious text online at the same time, used to misled space observers that the image only me. The perps often use this harmful trick to frame the innocents. So as judge, please check carefully, your wrong judgement will kill the innocents, of cause, most of observers in mind control space stand in perps side not innocents, they are hired by mind controllers.
3) According to reports from someone to the Chief Executive, many citizens are being missing, nobody know whom are alive or dead, some have been replaced by microwave stalker (microwave technology can easily change the outlook to trackers from missing ones), and some famous have been replaced by clones. Microwave stalker and clones are all being manipulated in space, acting as missing persons, doing unreasonable things, destroying the missing person’s reputation; some pretending to be the missing person, control their family property, divorced their relationship, and even worse, caused their relatives disappear permanence. Such cased have caused panic and anxiety for victims in mind control space.
Everyone has doubts about the microwave stalker and clone. After obtaining the identity card of the missing person, the microwave stalker can easily acting like a missing person and become a party.
It is more difficulty to distinguish between the original and clone, because the DNA of clone is the same as the original.
Therefore, the government ordered all citizens to exchange the new identity cards to find out the missing persons, but the list of missing persons has not yet been handed over in doubt. Some people disappeared after got their new ID cards; of caused that the metamorphosis mind controllers were the maker of the microwave stalkers, they will not provide the missing persons information with truth.
Everyone should be careful, especially the powerful people, the rich men, you are the main target for replacement. As told by insider, there are several secret rooms at the underground beside the MTR train way and car parks, used to false imprisonment.