
1. 目前最大的問題是如何分辨人類和複製人?此事相信只有當事人最清楚。如有朝一日我被複製人所代替,要分辨同我的不同處,有如下幾點:









2. 由11日中午開始至13日早上,變態控機賤人又發動微波脈衝射頻攻擊,有25%的香港人包括我在內都感受到頭痛,疲憊。而發出此次攻擊方疑似是香港電台聯同其它電台DJ們一起作孽,我已於當天傍晚18時分別向國安處和警務處報案,報案編號: Ref#ERC2105112027791.




3. 變態控機賤人長期將身處磁場極差,衛生環境惡劣,逃亡在外的賤人用併感覺方式,將他們同我合併或併在我周圍,利用他們發出的異味同我換嗅覺,以此精神虐待。同時因他們是身處東南亞熱帶地方,所以每當同我合併或併在我周圍時,即時感覺到一股熱氣和臭味,據說因為他們環境差沒有冷氣,所以變態控機賤人將他們同有冷氣的受害者合併,令賤人既可涼冷氣,又可精神騷擾被腦控受害者。




4. 我之前提過,我現時的樣貌並非我所有,是一共由三個人組成,而其中有一位是右腿關節有傷者,另一位是盆骨右邊高於左邊。以上兩點特徵長期同我併身體。而近期另有一位胸部特大者同我併身體,令我原本只有40公斤的體重增加至約57公斤再加上胸前兩袋米,實不勝負重。衣不蔽體可以另買,但身體健康失去是不可能重頭再來。變態控機賤人的狼毒之心路人皆見。


Mind Control Space News this week (May 8 to 14, 2021)


1. The biggest problem at present is how to distinguish between humans and clones? I believed that only the original can fully knows. If one day I am replace by a clone, you can distinguish the difference from me. There are discrepancy as following:


First,  I was used magnet place on my navel for few years, so the clone must got a abnormal outlook of navel;


Second, I have my ring on my index finger of right hand side for few years, so that the clone right hand side index finger must have a abnormal sign;


Third, when I sleep at night, I always used magnets to sticky in middle of palms of both hands, so the clone must got the marks in the middle of palms;


Fourth, due to the long-term mapping with few perps, so the weight of the clone must exceed 120 pounds, rather than my own weight of about 71-80 pounds;


The above four points can be used as a reference for distinguishing my clone in the future if unfortunately being copy.


2. From noon on the 11th to the morning of the 13th, the metamorphosis mind controller remote control microwave DEW tortured about 25% of Hong Kong citizens including me for headaches and fatigue. The suspecter were the DJs of Hong Kong Radio station as well as other radio station in Hong Kong. I have reported the incident to the National Security Department and the Police Department at 18:00 of 11th. The report number: Ref#ERC2105112027791.


From the 11th to the 13th, the metamorphosis mind controller used electronic harassment attacked the victims felt drowsy like hypoxia at daytime, no matter you are at working or in class. Sleep deprivation at night until about 4 o'clock in the morning. Mentally abused the victims, caused us can not living in the normal life, and even worried about loss our jobs.


3. The metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with someone who stay at the range magnetic field and poor sanitary environment. As said, they are the criminal whom escaped from Hong Kong, mapping me or around me to exchange their sense of smell with me, to have air-conditioning when I turn on,  when they mapping or around me, I can immediately felt hot and stinky. The metamorphosis  mind controller used such cheap tricky to mentally harassed victims.


What the even more outrageous is tortured the victims with mapping the slut's defecation and constipation. How evil the controller done, we guess the controller may got the abnormal habit as the lover of the smell of stink. 


4. As I mentioned before, my appearance was being change about 10 years, as said my face was composed from three people. I can felt one got injured in the joint of the right leg, and the other has the right side of the pelvis higher than the left side. The above two characteristics have mapping me for a long time. Recently, another person who got large breasts mapping me, which made my weight increase from only 40 kg to about 57 kg plus two bags of rice on the chest. You can imagine how heave I afford every day, I can buy the new clothing for fit, but I can not over again if I lose my health. Most people warning to the controller that my weight have reach to dangerous level, but the controller ignored and seems want to commit murder with intention.

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