

1. 本週變態控機賤人仍用味覺操控,令我食而無味,有時食非原味,更甚者是調淡我的味覺,令我不知不覺中吸入過多的鹽份和其它調味品。



2. 據稱,同我相同名字的銀行戶口又有一百萬的入賬,在此再一次呼籲被腦控受害者,不可上當受騙。


3. 網絡公司經常接到投訴有關5G網絡很慢 (龜速),大新份原因是變態控機賤人利用眼部跟蹤受害者,知道受害者所用的電話號碼,手機型號和哪一家網絡供應商,利用遙控指令,減慢或停止受害者上網,而到目前為止,網絡供應商仍未找到對策。所以提醒受害者,不可過份依賴網絡。特別是駕駛人士,如果依賴網路的導航系統,會經常失靈。




4. 本週有帮囚犯的家屬在空間窺視受害者私隱,所為何事?而警方視若無睹,到底囚犯家屬同警方是敵對關係,還是合作關係?


Mind Control Space news this week (June 5 to 11, 2021)


1. This week, the metamorphosis mind controller use taste manipulated, turn-off my taste of smell, even half down to less my taste, this cheap tricky will caused the victims over got salt and seasoning.


And other manipulation was see to smell, you can smell what ever to saw, when I stay inside the car, I see the public toilet outside, I can smell the stinky that may or may not belong to the public toilet, but mind controller’s toilet. 


When I see the food, the mind controller will act in concert with that food, but the smell had gone bad.


I guess may the mind controller stay at the poor situation, he always have spoiled foods, so he understanding were bad smells at all. 


2. Last time, I mentioned that someone got a bank account as same name with me, as said still have deposit recently, that means still have victims got extortion.


3. As known from newspaper that the internet company got a lot of complaints about 5G speed too lower, in the matter of fact, the stalker used eyes to tracing the victims for knowing the phone number, the type of cell phone and which internet company they are using, then used computer command remote stop and slower the targets’ internet speed caused. And the internet company have not yet find out the solution.


As above, for the drivers, don’t rely on internet of GSP, when the mind controller mapping you with other two drivers in difference destination at same time, the GSP only show up one of the drivers, that your GSP will follow that driver go on to the destination that not you want to, so be careful.


4) This week, there are prisoners’ family members in mind control space, eyes stalking the privacy of victims. And the policemen turned the blank eyes, what is going on?  what relationship between the policemen and the prisoners? Cooperation or hostility?

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