1. 我經常呼籲受害者要團結,多同親朋好友聯絡。但有受害者提出他們遇到的難題,當同親朋好友聚會時,變態控機賤人將他們養的畜牲分別同親朋好友併思維,令他們沒辦法與親朋好友按常理溝通,享受天倫之樂,更離譜的是情緒操控,令親朋好友不能自控的吵架,更甚者是打架,長此以往,反而失感情。所以為維持彼此感情,保持距離美,反而少聚會,但應多互相提醒,以免中控機賤人的挑撥離間計。
2. 腦控空間有鄭子誠扮習大大騙人,另一女子鄭子華,有說是鄭子誠的妹妹,但未經證實,以習大大親人的身份,到處斂財騙錢,實有損習大大聲譽。
3. 天時暑熱,很多長者暈倒家中浴室。目前香港大部份家中浴室設計都沒有冷氣,變態控機賤人利用此一特點,當被腦控受害者身處浴室時,遙控熱能器令受害者身體發熱,熱能器最高溫度可致人體自動燃燒。與此同時,將一些逆呼吸者同受害者併呼吸,令受害者呼吸困難有如缺氣般窒息暈倒,有部分是被電子武器攻擊心臟至死。呼籲受害者多飲水,不能浸浴太久,最好放一杯冰水於浴室以備不時之需。同時建議放件長袍於浴室,緊急時可以蔽體,因為很多受害者在浴室被救時都是裸露身體。
4. 變態控機賤人於每天下午三時開始,遙控電子武器摧殘受害者頭痛超過9小時,隔天早上四時開始繼續摧殘和睡眠剥奪至天亮,賤人對受害者的精神虐待有加劇的趨勢,相信是洗黑錢同政治黑金有關。很多受害市民不禁質疑,到底此種被精神虐待的日子仍要持續幾久?我的答案是直至無能的政府死亡為止, 因為此界政府同腦控賤人是共謀,大部份政界中人已是鬼,只為一已私利,非以市民為本。我已於6月17日傍晚18:12向警方報案,編號:Ref#/ERC2106172035605
Mind Control News this week (June 12 to 18, 2021)
1. I always warn to TIs, keep to gathering with your relatives and friends, but the TIs’ feedback said it was not a good idea, when they are gathering, the metamorphosis mind controller mapping number of perps to their family members, used mind manipulated to the members, they are unable to communicate smoothly, some members being emotion control for argued all the time, more worse were fought to each others. So the best way is keep distance, but keep in touch, showing your care to remind each other when the perps used cheap tricky to tear your family and friends apart.
2. As I mentioned before, someone act as chief Executive Mrs. Lam in mind control space directed perps doing evil, such as electronic harassment to victims. Now Timothy Cheng acting as chairman Xi, and other woman who acting as the family member of Chairman Xi, as told, the woman’s name is Cheng Chi Wah, sister of Timothy Cheng (both relationship not confirm yet), they used to threaten the people for money.
Warn to the people, don’t trust anyone in mind control space, to confirm in person before you money transfer.
3. Step to summer time, Hong Kong’s weather is very hot, and the most of bathroom construction without air-condition, so recently got a lot of cases that the elderly fainted at the bathroom.
We found out the reasons that the mind controller remote control the Energy machine caused the victims’ body hot, which can up to burn, then most of will taking bath, this time the controller will mapping the victims with someone who got respiratory diseases which caused victims in difficulty breathe until hypoxia for syncope. And the other said, it not only mapping, but electronic attacks heart caused.
As above, warn to all victims, drink more water, put cup of ice water in bathroom when over hot, also have a robe in case emergency, since most of victims that the ambulance found uncovered at bathroom.
4. The metamorphosis mind controller remote control electronic harassment every day, 17th start at 15:00 until night, then 18th morning 4 o’clock continued electronic harassment and sleep deprivation. Every being tortured citizens sad to ask how long this situation will going end? My answer is when this term government game over, since our government is collusion with perps, and most of politicians are ghost, they don’t care about citizens, but personal interest.