1. 本週星期六開始(26日)全日電子武裝摧殘我頭痛至27日早上約2時左右,再被電子能量器令我昏睡。與此同時,香港仔遊艇於27日早上2時起火,燃燒6小時,焚毀超過30艘遊艇,不知之間是否有關聯?
2. 變態控機賤人持續將眼睛有問題者同我併眼部,令我眼睛模糊,不能對焦,白茫茫一片。與此同時,將不同人的奇怪嘴型同我合併,令我飲食時滴漏,食相甚是恐怖。
3. 政府派發5000元消費劵,在此提醒政府,香港有很多人被失蹤,被死亡,而受害者身份被腦控空間賤人所替代,因為賤人大部份是複製人,無身分,製造者養不起大批複製人,唯有殺害姓名,樣貌相近的人以供替代,大部份是綜援人士,政府代養。而政府所出的政策,有如同賤人度身訂造。望政府查核身份後再派發,以免資源錯放殺人凶手之袋。
4. 根據在腦控空間觀察者幾十年的經驗所得,腦控空間持續不斷所搞的遊戲是自相殘殺,以挑撥離間方式利用囚犯家族之間自相殘殺, 此點無可厚非,但最離譜的是令受害者家族成員自相殘殺,令警察人員自相殘殺,令消防人員自相殘殺,互相嫁禍,而腦控背後的老大哥坐享其成。毒!
所以當知道自己被腦控,應該明白很多時情緒被操控,所以做任何報復行動時,停一停,想一想,時刻保持頭腦冷靜,以免成為殺人的棋子,累人累己。很多時一著錯, 滿盤俱是空。時刻小心腦控!
5. 政府利用囚犯的家人和釋囚在空中監控無辜受害人家庭,所有受害者家庭同囚犯沒有任何關係,有些甚至對社會作出很大貢獻的人士,到底政府此招動機何在?。
Mind Control Space News this week (June 26 to July 2, 2021)
1. This week start from Saturday, the metamorphosis mind controller remote control electronic harassment for headaches over 24 hours until Sunday morning 2 o’clock, then remote control energy device for asleep. At the same time, A fire broke out at the Aberdeen South in the early morning around 2 o’clock, the flames began on a yacht and quickly spread from boat to boat, sinking 30. Did the two cases have any related? What do you think?
2. The metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with someone who got cataract, caused clouded and blurred, increasing difficulty in reading with vision. As the same time, mapping me with some people whose mouths so odd, caused me drip down when dining, seriously ruined my table manner.
3. For Electronic consumption vouchers issue by government. As you know, most of people being replace by clones till to missing and dead, and government issue the electronic vouchers just fit to them, urging to the government, should carefully to confirm the identity of payees, avoid victims’ money putting to the murders pocket.
4. As the senior observer said that the mind control group always playing the game for manipulated of internecine struggle. Emotional control the targeted people such as prisoners to fought to each other which I can understood, but control the targeted families to internecine struggle as well as policemen, firemen for fought to each other and wrong to each other, and the big brothers behind them can sit idle and enjoy the benefit which belong to victims. Shame!
Warn to Targeted Individual, should remind yourself every movement, you are being emotional control all the time, before you do something stupid such as revenge, keep clam, keep tell yourself, you are being mind control, it is a trap just for you, use anything to cool your brain down, keeping yourself to survive.
5. The HKSAR used prisoners’ families and release prisoners to gang stalking the victims’ families in mind control space, all targeted families not any relate to the prisoners, some also done a lots of distribution to society. I don’t understand, what the government want?