1. 近期發現有身在台灣的人士,未得我同意,將我戴帽的相頭據為己有,寫專欄,在此作出強烈譴責,據稱是在港犯罪而逃亡台灣的無耻之徒。
2. 被腦控受害者都有腦缺氧問題。我們正常健康的睡眠時間是持續性八小時,但對於被腦控受害者來講是很奢侈的事情,我已超過十年未試過持續八小時睡眠。經過十年的精神折磨,近日經常感覺到很疲累,想睡但又沒法進入深睡,被告知是因為變態控機賤人持續三年暗中遙控缺氧式能量器攻擊我,令我不知不覺中腦部缺氧而提不起精神。專家提醒被腦控受害者,如經常發覺昏昏欲睡,睡醒時有頭暈症狀,比未睡時更辛苦,即是被缺氧式能量器攻擊,當發現被暗中攻擊時,每天不能太長時間睡眠,多做帶氧運動,多飲水,以防腦缺氧引起的昏迷症狀。
3. 上期提到有囚犯家屬和釋囚在腦控空間監控被腦控受害者家庭,很多人擔心會被綁架,包括我在內,故請教警方,當不幸被綁架,該如何處理?警方回應,當然第一時間向警方報案,警方可在三分之內找到我被綁架的位置。所以請大家記住,只需報警,切不可付款綁匪,您的付款只會給綁匪制造更多綁架的機會。
4. 近期有前新聞從業員在銅鑼灣刺殺警員後自殺事件,此很明顯是被腦控所造成的案件,但奇怪的是大家明明知道是怎麼一回事,但絕口不提腦控,為什麼?怕什麼? 經過今次事件,相信大家明白不只要關注警察人員精神健康問題,因為他們有槍,同時也需多關注新聞從業員的精神健康問題,他們筆鋒的殺傷力不低於槍枝,他們壟斷式顛倒是非黑白更是殺人於無形。
Mind Control Space News this week (July 03 to 09, 2021)
1) As told, someone who committed crime and run away to Taiwan, she used my profile picture as her own writing post in feature of Taiwan. I strongly condemn to such person’s behaviour.
2) I bring up a issue about “Hypoxia”, it can be caused from remote electronic attack.
Recently I always felt so tire, and can not fall asleep, as told that I have being secretly torture by remote energy device over 3 years, which caused me Hypoxia. OMG!
The expert warn to the Targeted Individuals, more aerobic exercise, drink more water, less long time sleep to avoid electronic attack caused cerebral hypoxia.
3) Last topic talking about some prisoners gang stalking victims family, and most of victims worry about being kidnapping as well as me, so I ask to the police, what can I do if unfortunately, I being kidnapping? The answer was, report to police station first, the technology can found my position less 3 mins. So don’t worry, be not pay, your payment will give the kidnapper one more time to kidnapping you again.
4) Recently Hong Kong’s hot topic was killed cop before suicided case. The killer have been employed by media. It was obviously a mind control case, but not one talking the main point that he was caused by mind manipulated. Why?
Last time the world mental health call to focus on policemen, since they got gun, today we call to focus on the media persons, they not gun but they can up side down the truth by writing. Wrong victims to death, so their mental health also important too.