

1. 本週,變態控機賤人每天持續遙控電子武器令我和受害者1-3級頭痛,於十四日(星期三)將頭痛強度加至今3-5級,令我同大部分受害者臥床不起。我已於當天下午時份向國安處和警方報案。


2. 股市騙局: 有被腦控受害者提供資料,有賤人利用腦控技術,腦控受害者買入大筆即將到期的認股權證,同時勾結證券經紀不落盤買入,直至認股權證到期作廢後,大筆資金即袋袋平安。



3. 腦控空間有人利用我出版的書”雅繪”,作為詐騙工具,以腦控投術強迫他們每人認購10本,並提供同我相同名字的銀行戶口入數,但最後是收不到貨。在此呼籲受害者報警或者同我聯絡,嚴懲腦控欺詐行為。




4. 受害者失身家的案例。有名長者,年輕時很拼搏,辛苦開廠,投資累積大筆財富,子女成家立室在外,經腦控賤人從中挑撥離間,令他同子女間有隔膜,再加上中國人傳統教育,對長輩多有敬少溝通,大部分子女都不知道自己父母財富的數字。當父母身體健康出現問題後,召集子女返來接手財產時,家族財產已所剩無幾,各人在疑惑之餘,進行核數才發覺有很多現金支出,不知去向。有很多支票是支付同其子女一樣名稱的銀行戶口,但戶口並非其子女所擁有,且戶口已被取消。子女向父母查詢時,他們已被失憶,全部忘記。在此提醒被腦控受害者,小心防範,以免後悔莫及。


Mind Control Space News this week (July 10 to 16, 2021)


1. This week, the metamorphosis mind controller continued remote electronic tortured me for headache every day, at 14th increased the pain degree from 1-3 to 3-5, over 200 millions people suffered the pains. I had report to NSD and police station at 14th afternoon.


2. Trap in stock market, As senior investor said, as targeted individual, should be know tricks in stock market, such as manipulated the TI to buy a lot of warrant which will expire soon, they pocket the money, not doing the transaction until the warrant expired. 


And other trick was when client place an order for buy a stock, they deem which stock will going down, they will give the client a message that the transaction was completed, actually, they will wait until the stock fall to such level to completed the order for earn the difference, as you know, most of the stocks were control in a small group for monopsony, they can manipulated them up or down as their will.


3. As known from mind control space, the perp used my design book “Stroke of Grace” to cheat the people for money, the perp used mind control technology to force someone to bought 10 pcs of my book, give the Bank A/C that the beneficiary’s name was same as mine, but not my own, after the money deposit, the buyer end up not receive the books.


Warn to people who lost money, please report to police for investigation, since I have not right to check the bank A/C, but court warrant. Of cause you can contact me whatever for know the detail.


If someone want to buy my book for tutor purpose, please contact me, I can donate some for school. 


4. Based on true story, a senior who work so hard when his young, set up factory, investment to accumulate for wealthy, after the children grow up, all have their own family out side, also lack of mutual understanding since the mind control perps sown discord among them. As Chinese families, most of them respect to parents but lack communication, the children can not ask their parents how wealthy you are which will deem not respect. One day when the senior get older, he call up all children to pick up his property that only small amount to them. All children queries what’s going on, hire the auditor for checking, the result is a lot of cash being withdrawn, and a lot of cheque paid to his children’s name bank A/C, but the A/C does not belong to his children, only same name as his children, they ask to their parents, but they lost their memories, and all the same name a/c were gone before check.


This true story warn to all targeted individuals, I believed you will know how to do to avoid your family property loss.

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