1. 本週變態控機賤人又將右邊子宮有肌瘤者同我併身體,令我右邊小肚突出,我十一年前因被賤人併身體而做了微創手術,差點連子宮都被摘除,今天賤人又重施故技害我;
2. 近期,變態控機賤人將一長髮男子同我併身體,令我原本做負離子順直的頭髮變得鬆散彎曲,極之影響儀容,原來併身體會完全改變一個人的髮型和樣貌。
3. 本週電子武器摧殘仍是每星期7天,背後指使的禍國殃民者是港台和新城財經台的職員。由星期四開始,變態控機賤人遙控電子武器令我心律不正和呼吸混亂,當我做運動時倍感辛苦.
4. 腦控空間賤人利用我和我家庭成員的Wechat相頭組成Wechat朋友圈,望親朋好友小心核實,以免受騙。
Mind Control Space News this week (July 24 to 30, 2021)
1. The metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with someone who got Uterine fibroids in right hand side, cause my lower gut bunching up. I have done a minimally invasive surgery 11 years ago, since got fake uterine fibroids caused by mapping. Now the mind controller doing same stuff to me, I will not falling the trap again.
At the same time, mapping me with few perps’ stomachs which I felt got gastroptosis, and felt so heavy in my stomach. Seriously harm my health, caused my walking loss balance, look so odd in my appearance. My weight actually 70 pounds, the metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with several perps, caused my weight increased to about 130 pounds, such evil case I will deem as murder with intention.
2. The metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with the man who had long hair in outlook, such strangely cause my straight perm hair became loose and curvy, now I know mapping not only harm to the health, also can change the outlook without permission.
3. This week, the electronic harassment for headache still going on 7 days a week, as known the suspects were the DJs of HK radio and metro finance. At Thursday, the metamorphosis mind controller remote control electronic attacked my heart for arrhythmia when I doing Yoga, it also caused me difficulty in breathing.
4. The perps used my WeChat photo and my family members created a friends group in WeChat, warn to my friends and relatives, please telephone confirm before you use.