1. 本週有多位電台DJ被廉政公署約談,所以遙控電子武器摧殘的禍國殃民一族有所收斂,但併身體和併感覺越加猖狂,更離譜的是將超大胸者同我併身體,令我頓時衣不蔽體,非常尷尬。
2. 腦控空間事件,有位擁有十億財產的富商,臨終前在律師見證下立下遺囑,將十分之三遺產交還被腦控的受害者,十分之七留給兒子。但其兒子在腦控賤人的影響下,私改遺囑,欲將三億私吞,更奇怪的是見證的律師認為兒子是委託方,有資格改其父之遺囑,最後十億歸其子所有,其子只經歷短短二年時間後被失蹤,財產同時也告消失。
3. 根據最新統計數字,美國每天非自然死亡人數是約36萬,是每天,您沒有睇錯。香港官方未有公佈數字,但相信大家心中有數,所以做為生還者的我們,要時刻小心保存自己,愛護自己,珍惜來之不易的生存機會。
4. 本週變態控機賤人遙控攻擊我胃部,令我胃脹逆流,無論是否有飲食,都感覺到食道有食物阻塞,要不停飲水舒緩。另一方面,遙控攻擊我心臟,令我做伸展運動時也心跳急速,呼吸混亂,要很大力呼吸才得以舒緩。更離譜的是,將腸胃不適者同我合併,再遙控攻擊我穴位,令我放屁,臭氣薰天,空氣污染。
Mind control space news this week (July 31 to August 6, 2021)
1. Several radio DJs were interviewed by the ICAC this week, so the perps who torturing people by remote-controlled electronic weapons has decreasing, but the physical harm and mapping feeling become more and more rampant, such as mapping me with someone who got super-breasted, suddenly caused my clothing unfit and so embarrassed.
2. the brain-control case, a wealthy businessman got one billion fortunes made a will under the witness of a lawyer before his death, the will said that should pay 0,3 billion to the victims and 0.7 to his son. But under the mind influence of the brain-controlled perps, his son changed his will privately and wanted to get it at all, and even the lawyer who witnessed deem that his son was his client and have a right to change his father's will, finally the one billion fully belonged to his son.
After such event about 2 years, his son was missing, and his all property disappeared at the same time.
This brings up a warning. When you making a will, you should find a trustworthy lawyer who mental in normal situation and will definitely not collude with the brain control perps. Otherwise, it is better to make early arrangements when your mental in normal, avoid loss your all property which you working in your whole life, but finally the brain control perps pocketed.
3. According to the global news, the number of unnatural death in the US up to about 360,000 per day. Hong Kong have not yet released the figures, but I believe everyone have estimated and known it. Therefore, as survivors, we must be careful to keep ourselves in safety, never give up.
4. This week the metamorphosis mind controller attacked my stomach remotely and caused my stomach bloating to reflux. No matter whether I have eaten or not, I felt that like food obstruction in my esophagus, so I had to slowly drink water for soothing.
On the other hand, the remote control attacked my heart, making my heart beat fast and breathing not in normal pattern when doing stretching exercises, I had to took a deep breathing to relieve it. And the even more outrageous was that mapping me with someone who got astriction first, and then remotely attacked my acupuncture points, causing me farting, foul smelly to air pollution. Such tortured for every day.