1) 本週我的體重由70磅被多人併身體至最高132磅,舉步維艱和喘氣,據說所有腦控機都發出預警信號,但變態控機賤人卻視若無睹。同時將呼吸道有問題者同我併呼吸,甚至當我睡眠時都不肯分開,嚴重影響我生活, 擔心會變成睡眠窒息症。
2) 空間觀察者提醒大家要多加小心,空間氣氛有些不尋常,好像有大事發生,所有背後的大佬都隱形了,越來越多下流賤人聚集於空間,他們未得受害者同意,併受害者口部飲食,好在有人出來幚忙維持秩序,只是暫時舒緩受害者頭痛的問題,但對過分併身體問題仍未能解決。
3) 本週變態控機賤人同我開玩笑,每當我出門時,即下起傾盆大雨。氣候變化是當前全世界最大的議題,香港變態控機賤人聲稱天氣已被他們控制,但好似用於害民多於利民,再次證明腦控機操控在好人之手和壞人之手的分別。
Mind Control Space News this week (August 28 to September 2, 2021)
1) This week, My weight still increasing to 132 pounds from 70 pounds, the metamorphosis mind controller keeps increasing the number to mapping, caused my legs felt so heavy and out of breath, at the same time, the mind machines show alarms, but the controllers turn blind eyes, even more, mapping me with the patient who got respiratory diseases for 24 hours, even when I sleeping, it seriously dangerous to my life and my living, I worry about may cause sleep apnea.
As said, there are few perps got respiratory diseases, they belong to the rich man who everyone call “Four uncle”, Four uncle used his own company help them to apply injunction to avoid electronic harassment, and they all stay in the public hospital, but the mind controllers used their respiratory to tortured me and victims, even mapping with females when they are taking shower.
2) Mind control space observer warn to all, something happen unusual, all the big brother disappeared, and more and more savages show up, they key-in dirty image, mapping victims for dining and shower without victims’ consent. Fortunately, the representative of NSD show up for guard, the problems of electronic harassment being decreased, but the mapping harm still exist.
3) This week, the mind controller playing a joke with me, they control the rain when I out. As known the climate change is main topic in the world today, The mind controller claim the weather was under their control, but only rain or not. They control the rain to caused the citizen inconvenience, always in the rush hour, such made me though who taking control will cause the difference result that we all known.
Friendly warning, bring your rain gear and raincoat all the time to avoid allergy from Acid rain.