1. 腦控空間有一對狗男女,長時間將影像發射在我周圍,女方有時同我併身體,聲音疑似假扮特首,男的同我併感覺性騷擾,發放不雅,淫蕩思維。據男方陳述,是女方付款要求他同我併感覺性騷擾。變態!
2. 有假扮特首者,將她失禁的媽媽同我併感覺,令我長期感應到她的失禁,以此精神折磨我。敬請失禁病患者,使用衛行棉條,顧已及人。
3. 本週,變態控機賤人每天早上當我起床時,遙控電子武器令我缺氧式昏昏欲睡,要很努力才能起床。賤人以此令許多受害者未能及時上班。下午約三時多又遙控電子武器令受害者昏昏欲睡,無論你是在工作,還是在街上行走,都無一幸免。
Mind control space news this week (September 4 to 10, 2021)
1. There are a couple in mind control space, always imperceptible influence to my mind with dirty words, issuing false though, misled the listener, the female acting the voice as Chief Executive, sometime mapping me, and the male mapping feeling with me about 3 years, whatever I am in washroom or taking shower. As the male said, the female paid him for sexual assault me. What’s they want? Shame on you both.
2. The fake Chief Executive mapping me with her Mom, and force me felt her urinary incontinence all the time for torture. Warn to her Mom, please use Tampon to stop harassment.
3. This week, when I got up in the morning, the metamorphosis mind controller remote control electronic attack me caused me in difficulty wake up as hypoxia lethargy, as said, the controller always used this trick to set the victims up, caused the victims late for office all the time. Also at about 15:00 every day, remote the electronic attack the victims again for sleeping, whatever you are working or walking.