1. 變態控機賤人長期併我眼部跟蹤,併我腦音,令我不勝其煩,但因此令我發覺原來腦音和腦部思維是可以分開,當我不理潛入的腦音,我是可以專心的思考工作,唯一缺點是容易被人誤以為併我腦音發出的是我的思維,因為併腦音者是跟蹤我的眼部場景而自然產生他們不同的見解,大部分都是負面思維。所以敬請在腦控空間的聽者,小心判斷,最好的方法是忽略我的腦音。當併腦音時,我只能夠控制自己的腦部思維,但沒有辦法控制他人的腦部。
2. 根據腦控空間知情者資料,香港有70萬長者被冒名提取老人福利。根據政府統計,2021年香港65歲長者占總人口的19.1%,有145萬,即是話有一半的長者被死亡後被冒名頂替,騙取政府福利,以每位長者每月可領取的福利金最高是港幣$7,970. 以平均每月7,000元計算,政府每月支付49億予冒名頂替的殺人凶手。
3. 本週因為需要做一些很精細的首飾,變態控機賤人模糊我的視線,將手指關節疼痛者同我併雙手,再將超肥胖者同我併身體,令我身體發熱,沒辦法工作,白白浪費了一週的工作時間。
4. 再次提醒受害者,除了有和我相同名字的銀行帳戶外,另有一個是以"Monita Choi”為名的賬號也被利用於洗黑錢,大家小心被騙。
Mind Control space news this week (September 25 to October 1, 2021)
1. The metamorphosis mind controller used group stalking through my eyes for a long time, also imperceptibly to my brain for sounds, it makes me understood that my brain sound and my brain thinking can be separated at the same time. When I ignore the brain sound, I can concentrate on my thought for work, the only I worry about is such will misled the listener that the brain sound may come from my thought, since the stalker follow my eyes and out from my sound with their different opinions, most of in negative. Therefore, warn to the listeners in the brain-controlled space, the best way is to ignore my brain sounds. As you know I can only control my own brain, but no way to control the brains of others who mapping me.
Another cheap trick used by mind controller is mapping body and voices between the victim and the stalker, then the stalker used the same position and same voice treat and lie to victims’ relatives and friends .
2. According to the information of insiders, there are 700,000 elderly imposter in Hong Kong who withdraw welfare from government. As government statistics in 2021, 65-year-old elders in Hong Kong for 19.1% of the total population was 1.45 million, that is to say, half of the elders died and were replaced by imposters, defrauding government benefits, each elder can receive the highest is HK$7,970 per monthly benefits, based on average of 7,000 yuan per month, the government pays 4.9 billion per month to imposter whose may suspected murders.
On the other hand, these 700,000 elderly accounts are controlled by the perps. Each perp manages 10 accounts. They withdraw cash from teller machine every month and then hand over to big brothers. Some of them also used elderly patients mapping with victims as microwave symptoms, making the victims felt what they pain, physical aging of the victims, sexually harass the victims, lower efficiency of the victims, increase the government's medical expenses in the long term.
Why our government known but can not solving the problems? Because it involving mind control space which the shadow government rely on the huge interest. I worry only the other 740,000 innocent elderly citizens, worry about their health and life safety, worry may one day harm to our parents.
3. This week, I need to make some tiny jewellery, the metamorphosis mind controller blurred my vision, mapping my finger with someone who got painful finger joints, also mapping me with someone who got over weight, making me unable to breath. wasted the whole week time.
4. Remind again, also have the other bank account with the name "Monita Choi”, it is not my own account, was used for money laundering. Be careful of being set up.
Remind the person in charge of the mind control space again that I will never ever participate in all activities even working in the mind control space. I am a victim under mind control. I hope the government and the person who in charge of space will have my freedom of thought back as soon as possible.