1. 本週變態控機賤人遙控電子武器令我頭痛的次數已明顯減少,但轉於晚間睡眠時間遙控電子武器攻擊我腿部穴位,令我腿部酸痛難忍,沒辦法入睡。
2. 目前腦控技術已入侵商界各行各業,當大家都被腦控的情況下,董事會以投票方式決定是否是一個合適的方法?腦控空間有商家以過來人身份回憶之前,董事會成員在不自知的情況下被腦控,變態控機賤人為達到自己目的,用腦控機將大部份有話事權的董事一齊程式化,令他們在投票時一齊投出錯誤的一票,董事長明知錯誤也無力挽狂瀾。所以在被腦控的情況下,小數服從多數的方法並不能作出最好的決策, 就算是家庭會議也應小心處理,需知腦控賤人永遠都比您早一步下手,令您防不勝防。
3. 腦控空間賤人每次遙控電子武器令市民頭痛都口口聲聲說所得款項將上繳中國。據了解,任何在腦控空間運作者,每次捐款中國都必需清楚交代資金來源,證明資金非來自殘害市民精神健康所得.
Mind Control space news this week (October 16 to 22, 2021)
1. This week, the electronic harassment for headaches was reduced, but the remote control electronic attacked my legs acupuncture points during the night time still continued, caused my legs sore and unable to fall asleep.
2. Today the brain control technology has interfering all the businesses. When everyone was under brain controlled, do you thing the voting in the board of directors which still an appropriate way to making a best decision?
A businessmen recalled that so many years ago, the board members were under brain-controlled without self knowing it. In order to achieve the perps own goals, the mind controller used the program to format most of the directors’ thought who have the right to vote, caused them making a wrong decision when voted, only the chairman voted in correct way, but can not turn it out. So when under the mind control situation, the method of obeying to the majority cannot make the best decision, even in the family, as you know that the perps manipulate everything earlier than you, what’s your better way? Please share.
3. Every time the remote control of electronic weapons causes headaches to the citizens, the perps always claim that it was rising money for China. As said from the donator that any person who operating in the brain-controlled space must clearly explain the source of funds every time they donated to China, and should proved that the funds were not dirty money and did not came from harming the health of citizens.
Therefore, it is suggested to the victims, when got compensation, must make sure that the source of the compensation money is clean, not dirty money and do not damage the health of the public, avoid to involving to money laundering and getting trouble.