1. 本周日(14日)晚上22:00時開始,變態控機賤人開始遙控電子武器令我中強度頭痛,持續至星期一(15日)早上稍作減弱後再持續至晚上24:00, 長達26小時。
2. 有部分賤人已偷渡至世界各地,因為沒有身分證明文件,各地政府沒有他們入境資料,所以被利用於在黑暗中併五感跟蹤和騷擾被腦控受害者,甚至被腦控去做犯法勾當。
3. 晚上睡眠時,變態控機賤人將三個正在跟蹤受害者的賤人同我併眼睛,令我迷迷糊糊中有如精神錯亂,沒辦法安靜睡眠。被跟蹤者有生產工藝品,有正在行路,有正在潑墨者。
Mind Control Space news this week (November 13 to 19, 2021)
1. Starting at 22:00 on this Sunday (14th), the metamorphosis mind controller started remote control electronic harassment for headache, which caused me 3-7 grade headache, which lasted until Monday (15th) morning, then decrease to 1-5 grade and continued until 24:00, up to 26 hours.
2. Some perps have smuggled across the world, since they did not have identity documents, and local governments did not have their entry information, so the perps being used to stalking and harassing victims in the dark side, some even being control to commit illegal activities.