1. 變態控機賤人於星期二傍晚約6時半,開始遙控電子武器摧殘市民,令我頭痛。我已即時向國安處,警方報案,報案編號:
2. 本週變態控機賤人將多位身體有痛症的病人同我併感覺,其中有雙腿關節痛,左手拇指關節痛,腰痛等,以此精神折磨我。
3. 本週變態控機賤人將鼻塞,痰塞,呼吸道疾病者同我併感覺,令我呼吸困難。
1. At about 6:30 in the evening on Tuesday (30th), the metamorphosis mind controller start electronic harassment to citizens, which caused me headache. I have immediately E-reported the case to the National Security Department and the police.
Reading Thursday's Sing Tao Daily News learned that 5144 people crowded into the emergency department of public hospitals on Tuesday afternoon, and ten public hospitals were full. That is the evidence to proved which the electronic harassment were really happened in Hong Kong.
2. This week the metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with few patients whose got physical pains, including leg joint pain, left thumb joint pain, low back pain, etc., used to torture me every day.
3. This week, the metamorphosis mind controller mapping my senses with some perps whose got stuffy nose, phlegm, and respiratory diseases, making me difficulty for breathe.