1. 每天無論我在家或出外,有很多人同我併身體精神干擾,身體虐待,併眼睛跟蹤,美其名是有行動不便的長者併眼睛睇街景,實際上是合併我行走的坐標,製造正在行走的假象,方便併我身體者進行竊聽和偷窺的犯罪行為。我多次向控機賤人抗議無效,我是被精神禁錮,是反腦控一族,不肯同控機賤人合作的一群,我很擔心有朝一日會被嫁禍。




2. 我每天的行動,腦控機都有記錄,有人利用錄影重播,再加上她人變態,弱智的腦音誤導聽者以為是我的思維,以此陷害我。而重點是腦控機是政府所擁有,為何有人可隨意將市民的私隱交與色情經營者重播,作出篡改,另行配音以誤導聽者,而沒有人阻止。我們的政府用納稅人的血汗錢購買腦控機後進一步陷害市民,天理何在?有很多冤案,錯案都是因此而起。


3. 繼上期提到有多位DJ被ICAC約談一事,變態控機賤人持續6天,遙控電子武器令超過2百萬被腦控受害者頭痛,有多位死亡。我已於星期六(7日)向警方報案,但至今警方視若無睹,據說是多位署理特首下的命令,沒有人敢抗命。




4. 已知有專利注冊的腦控機記憶刪除法被用於害人:








Mind Control Space news this week (July 7 to 13, 2021)


1. There are few perps mapping me every day whatever at home or out, mentally and physically torture me, the mappers said they are handicap senior used eyes stalking for street tour but force to without I permission. 


The true is that the mind controller sparkly mapping me with a lot of stalkers whom used my moving GSP as they own, misled someone where they are moving, cover they are stalking. I don’t know the perps what’s doing and claim objection every time, but the controller turn a blink eyes.


I was being mind control, never ever compromise with mind control perps, against mind control over 10 years, so I worry about the mind controller will set me up used they own cheap tricks.


As you know, the main controller for Hong Kong side is a greedy bad egg who treats human life as worthless grass, always force to mapping victims without they are permission, then wrong the victims for the illegal cases. Even waste is delete victims memories or replace them with AI. So warn to targeted individuals, keep every records when you out which can prove you are innocent.


2. The mind control machine recorded my every movement for everyday, and someone who used my recorded memory for dubbing with idiot mind as well as dirty words whatever they want. I was curiously ask why the privacy of citizens can be easy for the perp to deep fake to what they want? The government used taxpayers money to purchased the mind control machine to harm and hurt the taxpayers and citizen , what the hell they doing? That’s why most of the cases rising wrong procedures with such deep fake. Damn!


3. Continuing to last issue, talking about few of DJs being investigation by ICAC, so the electronic harassment decreased. but start from last Friday, the electronic harassment tortured citizen last 6 days and over 2 million citizens got headache, I have report to police station at 7th (Saturday), but the policemen never ever taking action, as said, the harassment order came from chief executive, and the police can not defy order. Is it the truth? Unbelievable.


Up today, we can saw the chief executive only when watch TV, and knows a clone of chief executive for someone to mapping to acting as chief executive in mind control space, using to treat people for money, harm citizen for funning , why the policemen took his order? May some secret that they lie to the all citizen in Hong Kong? 


4. Recently, I doing research for how to deleted the memory from human, noted the procedures as follow:


First remote attack the target for hospital, then taking injection to weaker the mind, using inducing to know what the target know, if something under the secret file, will direct delete from mind machine to target person’s mind.


In Hong Kong, It is same to used the remote attack to victim for hospital, then taking injection, but the evil using mapping to the victim, used victim’s voice to confess but the mind not the victim own, wrong the victim, caused victim’s routing memory being deleted. The metamorphosis mind controller always used such evil to wrong the victim who being mapping without victim’s consent, set up the victims for memory loss, but the stalker got free.


As known, most of victims memory loss after hospital, special public hospital, only public hospital can legally own the mind control machine, if the victims knowing that they memory loss was deleted by hospital, then the legal procedure only against government, the personal secretly human experiment will free for responsibility but government. 

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