Ye Yuan first broke夜色朦胧,弦月素雅,零星的灯光穿透雾似轻烟的大街小巷,给零仃的行人带来凄凉的寒意。Obscurity night, Tseng simple and elegant, isolated light fog seems Light Smoke penetrating the streets, to the pedestrian-alone brought misery to the cold. 江淮中学高中三年级学生们上晚自习放学了,袁野与已往一样在淮海街三岔口与同学分手,孤身一人与青春作伴,一路小跑,进了深深小巷。Jianghuai three-year high school students on a school night, Ye Yuan and the same as in previous Huaihai Street Hui parted with the students, young unmarried with the comfort and companionship of road running, deep into the alleys. 平常,每当这时候,总有父母在巷口迎接,无论是月明星稀,乌雀南飞的日子,还是举杯邀明月,对影成三人的皎洁夜晚,风雨无阻。Usually, whenever that time, the total street corners to meet the parents, both Rumengxingxi Ukrainian birds fly south the day, or toasted invited to the moon, the impact of bringing three into the night, in all weather. 这些天都减免了特殊待遇,袁野已适应一个人回家。These days, a relief for special treatment, Ye Yuan has adapted a home. 晚10点50分,按平常的规律,走进小巷,这条小巷走过了无数个春秋,眨着眼睛都能跑。Late 10:50, according to the normal law and into the narrow lanes and alleys of this through numerous springs and autumns, and can run as she flutters her eyes.朝气逢勃的袁野,象往常一样,踏着青石板,如行浮云,哼着流行歌以壮一箭之地的夜行,在走入巷尽头转弯之处,今天的情况有点特别,耳中感到在转弯处有切切私语,颤颤抖抖地,心中十五个吊桶打水——七上八下,特不安,幻与听,真与假,脑中不时闪过歹徒拦路抢劫的镜头,两脚颤抖,不知天上还是人间,忐忑不安地走过一段艰辛而恐慌的路段,将到拐角时,耳边只听到“逮到他,不放过,往死杀”,不得了,是歹徒,传音入密在这时已不起作用,完全分不清是幻听还是真觉,幻听多了也是真觉,真觉中是幻听,在恐慌的环境中是错中真,真中错,一个宗旨,逃离恐怖环境为妙,风弛电掣,卷起秋风劲,“卟嗵”一声,头撞南墙,世上多了一位崂山道士。On the vitality Bo Ye Yuan, as usual, acting bits, if a floating clouds, singing popular songs to cheer stone to the nocturnal, in the end turn into the alley between, the situation today is a bit special, the ears of the course was a slice murmur. Shiver walking to the hearts of 15 bucket Wells -- Riding special concern, and hearing magic, truth and falsehood. Scoundrel brain from time to time flash of the camera highway robbery, two legs trembled, I wonder if heaven or on earth, trepidation through a tough section and panic, to the corner, the ears can only hear "catch him and would not let go. to die killing, "Hurry up, which is not even enough, acoustic-secret has been non-functional at this time, completely unsure of hallucinations or they McGREGOR, hallucinations more McGREGOR is real, real McGREGOR is hallucinations, panic in the environment which is really wrong, really the wrong one purpose, fleeing from terror to employ Wind flip switch, strong autumn wind whipped up, "Porphyrin More than 30 days" As soon as the first running up against a stone wall, a world more Laoshandaoshi.第二天,老师说袁野今天病假。The next day, the teacher said Ye Yuan sick today. 一个星期后,袁野还没有上学。A week later, Ye Yuan also did not attend school.