10 years, I have daily physical pain and mental suffering through -- 24 hours a day. 在人生的长河中,这十几年是最可宝贵的,是生命中的黄金季节,是为国奋斗体现人生意义的关键时期,是理想转化为现实 ,为人类文明增添属于每一个人应有的注笔这一伟大使命奋进的美好岁月。In the life span, 10 years is the most precious, life is the golden season States struggle to embody the meaning of life in the critical period is the ideal into reality. add to human civilization belongs to each individual should have the injection of T advance this great mission of the good years.十几年了,弹指一挥间,蓦然回首,我的人生太冤枉了,我的人生还在起点,什么时候折断的翅膀逾合,重新展翅翱翔,为有意义的人生而奋斗。10 years, passed when I look back, my life is too unfair, my life is the starting point When broken wings over with, the Youth Pre-employment Training fly again for a meaningful life and struggle. 这是多么美好的盼望、追求,他时常萦绕在我的思想中、梦中,多少岁月“梦游天姥吟留别”——人生创造的道路在哪里?This is such a beautiful, I hope that the pursuit, and he often echoed in my thoughts, dreams, How much more time "to stay sleepwalk Tian Mu Yin other" -- created life on the road where?十几年欲速而不达,在困难与折磨中艰苦奋斗,以毅力支撑,以信念坚持,以理想为坐标,在人生缈漫而崎岖的长河中进行着夸父追日。The progress of the past 10 years not to the difficulties and tribulations hard work, perseverance to support and uphold the conviction. to ideals of the coordinates in life and rugged 98,000 diffuse the river for a fleeting. 一天天,一年年------One every day, 2001 ------风起云涌,漫无边际------Surged, open-ended ------一个社会总有为国做贡献者,从我们的工作来讲,其贡献重如泰山,它促进科技的发展,透彻地说它群策群力地从逻辑思维力、可靠性、灵敏度、工艺性、对人的影响、隐蔽性、完美性.A total social promising States did contributors, from our work in terms of its contribution to the heavy as Taishan, which promote the development of technology. work it thoroughly from logical thinking, reliability, sensitivity, craft, on the impact of secrecy. Perfection. .. .. .. .. .. 它对世界文明造成的影响是巨大的,只能说“塞翁失马,焉知祸福”.It civilized world the impact is enormous and can only say "a blessing in disguise, how can we know woe." .. .. .. .. ..一个技术的成功,离不开两方面,一是科学技术人员在主观条件与客观存在的技术缺陷进行良心发现般的研究、改进、提高,尽可能尽善尽美;二是技术受实验人员进行着杨利伟式的工作,以坚强的毅力,化出身心的代价,十几年无索无怨,体现着伟大的忘我主义勇气,这是何等的气慨、何等悲壮、何等的高风亮节,造就技术有用,甚至人们评价为一种舍生忘义、坚忍不拔精神,这本身就是一种舍生忘死的英雄壮举。A technical success, can not be separated from the two, First, science and technology personnel in the subjective and objective conditions of the technical defects conscience like research, improve, improve, perfect as possible; by two technical officers carried out experiments based on the Yang Liwei, a strong willpower, out of the physical and psychological price, 10 years without cable grievances and reflects great courage Marxist ecstasy, which is how whose masculinity. how tragic, how debauchery, creating useful technology, even for the evaluation of a people give up before right, indomitable spirit, This is in itself a heroic defiance of death.曾几何时,我们已中流击水,存在可以改变,惰性弱智式决策与人类文明发展是不相适应的,主要矛盾与次要矛盾颠倒是不可想象和思议的,势必阻碍人类思想境界向更高层次发展,不能不说科学技术的发展与道德、法治、正义等的滞后将造成人类最为担忧的技术灾难,那将是人类文明的倒退,人类文明史上的悲哀。Before long, we have mid-stream splashing into the water, there can be changed inert mentally handicapped decision-making and the development of human civilization is incompatible. main and secondary contradictions reversal is inconceivable and incomprehensible, it is bound to hinder human ideological level to a higher level. admit that the development of science and technology and morality, the rule of law and justice to the cause of human lagging most worrying technological disasters, It would be a retrogression of human civilization, the history of human civilization as well. 为着技术而默默沉受着,没有为之转入良性发展,更是良心的悲哀。For the technology and silently posed Shen, 22.26 to healthy development, but also the conscience of the tragedy.历史的天空,星聚云散,东方地平线上撒满金色的曙光,光怪陆离的现象逐渐被理性思索所冲淡,太阳最终会跃出地平线。History of the sky, cloud-scattered Poly, feet on the eastern horizon golden dawn bizarre phenomenon has been diluted by rational thought, the sun will eventually jump out of the horizon.