For a life milestone ------Mindcontrol of lifeLife is a White Paper,In the fine mist and micro-waves on the lake, the mighty,In the wave of small bumps on the boat,Always looking forward to the other side.The waves moment after another as a partner,Dancing life confused,In the shore whereMindcontrol weapon in the lives of people,Every day to put up with cancer-free as available torturedMoment in the erosion of the cancer society,Tragic injuries, endless terrorist organizations before flying table,Harassment of a better life in \ stress \ interference in the world enjoy sadWe have a responsible attitude to the world oath:Despair in the life of rampant technology,Good moral character only remnant of the papers off Chien-degree days in the seaHidden oasis of life when time is now against the yellow sand inFalling in the forest trail Pianpian leavesRecords of the lives of premature deathMindcontrol, scientific and technological magic of the bottle,Cleared wisdom, Baring its fangs and brandishing claws of human civilization disasterHeaven Is determined toJustice and the forces of ignorance and inertia in the other direction very, To assume responsibility for the evil in the spread of, The sleep of the decision-makers to forget what the course of eventsThe voice of the people in their eyes as transit snow fly awayInternal problem lies in the fact thatIs not the same as the power into the system and the peaceful evolutionDoes not collapse in the dream of feedAt present, no time, they only transform the terrible sense of itThe effectiveness of geometry???Just look at all of human self-confidence, I have the ability toOn the basis that there is no basisA lovely nation, a strong vitalityOh, I do not know who was in power Shangshang Qian,Mindcontrol Why fight the power???Alas, the free float in the air from time to time the sky is the irritating drizzleSpring Flowers and Autumn Moon in the not too much of the abundant love andThe hot summer has not inject glycol,The human world and more trouble, more corrupt elements in the world to increaseConflict-inspired ------- MindcontroLLovely country, in the Mochizuki ZhaosimuxiangA perfect human rights, the dream for many years and several generations of people in the water in the MoonWe have to look on, step away, is no longer a distant legendHuman nature is sometimes very brutal, one of the aging Naogua, in the eye over a number of obstacles in the wrong thingWang Chuan a people, not as unworthy of the black sheep of conscience and powerHow many people sad and hopeless grief in this life,Could have some high-speed, but in a cover-up of human rights, achievements and civilization reactiveProgress of world civilization, human beings have a more rational pursuit of perfection in a more perfectMoral agreement is to survive into the conventional,Science and technology in disaster setbackIn which authority? Indisputable right of the people is only reasonable for the ethics agreementWhat is the living conditions? Loud laughter on governance,The pulse of life in the spring of longing, a strong beatMileage for a life spent in that unforgettable experience and understanding of realityOnly in the human analog of adjustmentAny obstruction in the human development initiativeMust have purpose, we have seen the terrible internalDo not know is not entirely the power to fightThe most progress in the implementation of the human person,To be able to play the next release itHuman civilization is the implementation of thisDo not understand ?????一段生命里程Mindcontrol下的人生生命是一部白皮书,在烟波浩荡的湖面上,颠簸在小浪尖上的小舟,时时寻找着彼岸.浪花朵朵时伴舞,跳着人生的迷茫,岸在何方生命在mindcontrol weapon人群,每天忍受癌症般无着落的折磨,时刻在社会癌细胞的侵蚀中,悲歌哀哉,无尽的恐怖飞棹摆橹,美好的人生在骚扰\胁迫\干扰中享尽人间悲哀我们以对世界负责的态度誓词:人生绝望的技术在肆虐,美好的品格只有残篇断简式的苦海中度日生命绿洲时隐时现在黄沙的侵害中飘零在林间小径的片片树叶,记载着生命的早逝Mindcontrol,科技界的魔瓶,智慧散尽,魔爪张牙舞爪,人类的文明灾难试问苍天,谁主沉浮正义与力量在无知与惰性中走向另一极,邪恶在责任承担中蔓延,睡梦的决策者忘怀乾坤为何物人民的呼声在他们眼中如雪花中天飞走内部出问题在于,同样的不作为化为权力与制度的和平演变不垮的梦想在雾里看花时现时无,他们内心的可怕只有改造吧成效几何???试看人间都自信,我有能力认为有基础,也是无基础一个可爱的民族,坚强生命力呵呵,权力内不知谁得上上签,Mindcontrol为哪般争权力???唉,自由的天空时时飘洒令人烦燥的细雨在春花秋月中没有过多的盎然与相思炎热的夏季没有注入甘醇,人世间多烦恼事,腐败分子更为人间增加矛盾激发器-------MindcontroL可爱的祖国,在朝思暮想望月人权的完美,梦幻多年,几代人在水中望月我们望天,一步之遥,不再是遥远的传说人性有时很残暴,一个个衰老的脑瓜,在遮眼障中误了多少事人民一眼望穿,不作为的败类愧对良心与权力多少人民在伤心与悲愤中今生无望,本可以高速些,却在人权的障眼法中,有成就而文明无功世界文明进步,人类有更合理的追求,在完美中达到更完美生存道德是约定从俗成的,在科技灾难中呈现倒退权威在哪?人民不争权只争合理道德的约定什么是生存条件?笑声连天谈治理,生命的脉搏在向往春天中,有力跳动一段生命里程在一点体验中度过难忘而现实的认识人类只有在类比中进行调整任何阻碍人类发展在举措必然有其目的性,我们看到内部的可怕不是不认识,完全是权力之斗人类最进步的实行者,能提的起放的下吗实行人权是文明之本不懂?????